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  1. M

    is this site narc free?

    Even then, all they could do is determine the MAC address of your wireless card, not where it's physically located. Considering the range of your average wireless router (100-300'), they would only be narrowing it down to a few hundred houses - not exactly a smoking gun.
  2. M

    Pot size - gal./in. translation?

    I went to Wal-Mart and bought these 10" wide self-watering pots. They certainly look big enough (I hope they are), but the label gives no indication of volume. It looks like all the pot-size-advice I've found here refers to gallons - can anyone hazard a guess what volume (in gal.) a 10" pot is?
  3. M

    Greetings from Canada

    Thanks blzbob!
  4. M

    is this site narc free?

    My concern is tracing of IP addresses, but yeah, if you're like me and only interested in ultra-small personal operations (and, like me, online via a distant neighbour's unsecured wireless connection lol), there's neither any incentive for the cops to try to track you down, nor necessarily even...
  5. M

    Greetings from Canada

    Hi there; just wanted to say 'thanks' for all the useful info here. I'm thinking about setting up a small indoor op for personal medicinal use. I've read quite a few of the threads here, and it looks like there's a wealth of expertise. Thanks in advance for fielding my questions, and if I can...
  6. M

    Segregating plants for optimal bud AND seed production?

    Interesting - so the volume of seeds is proportionate to the amount of exposure to pollen - less pollen, less seed? That's cool then - a few seeds here and there are fine. This would be for personal medicinal use only, so it's all good.
  7. M

    Segregating plants for optimal bud AND seed production?

    So many views but not a single response? C'mon guys - I know there are knowledgeable people here...
  8. M

    Segregating plants for optimal bud AND seed production?

    This is my first post; I've been reading the forums for a few days now, and it looks like a great community. I'm thinking about starting an indoor garden, and I had an idea. It might be impractical, but I thought I'd let the experts here decide. Is it possible to construct a barrier (say...