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  1. Aquarius26

    First Batch

    I'm about to use my first trial batch of ganja butter, any suggestions on what i should use it on ?bongsmilie
  2. Aquarius26


    mmm! this sounds so wonderful! i really am too excited to wait! i think i'll make a batch in a tiny pan :D
  3. Aquarius26

    help guys, fresh or dried!?

    i need to know if its better to cook ganja butter from fresh clippings, or from dried ground clippings ???
  4. Aquarius26


    i am SO ready to start this as soon as i know it wont be a waste to do them fresh!!! and to be clear, we're talking FRESH, still wet, just cut, to me, it seemed that it should work just fine this way... but ive never used fresh cuttings before!! so do you think i should just boil them...
  5. Aquarius26


    thanks so much for the quick reply, :mrgreen: i've helped other people through the process before, and im sure i can do it, i just needed the general amounts to aim for :) also, can i cook it up fresh clipped like it is , or should i dry it first ?
  6. Aquarius26


    have a -huge- bag of trimmings from today's harvest, stems, leaves, teeny-tiny buds, that sort of thing.... (yay! happy me!) i'm pretty much planning on making a bunch of butter with it, how long should i dry it before i cook it, and what ratio trim/butter do you think would be best...