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  1. greasycanadian

    85 year old first time cannabis user

    Thank's for the informative replies. I would love to be able to bring over a big bag for him, but Christmas really hit me hard this year. I will definitely stick to 1/10th a gram per cracker, he can always eat more but he can't eat less.
  2. greasycanadian

    85 year old first time cannabis user

    I'm home for a few weeks due to the holidays and I will be going to visit my grandfather later this week. He is 85 years old, and recently expressed interest in trying marijuana. He is strongly against the idea of smoking it, so I figured I'm going to make some edibles. I am currently pretty...
  3. greasycanadian

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    People on online forums are always so full of rage. Anyway I had to make this thread to give credit where it is due because I did bitch a lot. I only get it for 5 a gram because I signed with them while they where greenleaf, all new applicants pay reg price which is still reasonable. Heres...
  4. greasycanadian

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    You're speaking some real vague and half spooky shit.
  5. greasycanadian

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    A while ago I made a post bitching about my LP. Formerly "GreenLeaf" A recall completely fucked them and left us without medication for a while. I was told it was simply because health canada has strict policies about some growth records and that they had not been kept. I believe it because it...
  6. greasycanadian

    GreenLeaf Medicinals or "Broken Coast" Nightmare

    Yes it was Broken Coast that told me this. If I don't get my papers or some weed soon I'm going to the island myself to whoop some fucking ass. It's not my fault, it's my condition. I'm a pretty angry guy without my cannabis. I gave my regular pot guy the boot for being a weird little prick.
  7. greasycanadian

    Camh urges feds to legalize

    I might be a little drunk but at what point did Canada become a dictatorship. If 2 out of 3 people support legalization, why are we letting a small group of old men in suits tell us how to live our lives. Furthermore, legalize all drugs not just marijuana. The root of power for all criminal...
  8. greasycanadian

    Looking for a compassion club in Ottawa

    No you don't dude, Toronto is Canada's rectum. Ironic because it staaaanks like cat piss
  9. greasycanadian

    GreenLeaf Medicinals or "Broken Coast" Nightmare

    Im also curious, has anybody dealt with the police regarding their LP medication? Apparently, if I get caught smoking my medicine I show my bottle to the cop who then calls up my LP to verify my prescription. However, as far as I know these people are like any other business and are only open...
  10. greasycanadian

    GreenLeaf Medicinals or "Broken Coast" Nightmare

    I almost wan't to get busted growing just so I can make a huge federal case out of being denied my medication for 6 months and being forced to grow my own. I could almost believe this bullshit about this system being put in place to make it easier for us to get IF it typically didn't cost 8 - 10...
  11. greasycanadian

    GreenLeaf Medicinals or "Broken Coast" Nightmare

    I just might, do they ship through the mail? I am assuming their product is technically illegal and I will be living in staff accommodations soon so this may be a problem.
  12. greasycanadian

    GreenLeaf Medicinals or "Broken Coast" Nightmare

    Yes, I hope when they do get their licence back anybody considering registering with them sees this and decides otherwise. Trust me, this LP is so full of it and they certainly do not consider us patients.
  13. greasycanadian

    Cannabis labelled 'harmful and as addictive as heroin'

    It's only a gateway because it's illegal. Alcohol would be a gateway drug as well if I had to purchase it on the black market from somebody claiming gang affiliations. Health Canada want's you to pay them and die, that's it.
  14. greasycanadian

    GreenLeaf Medicinals or "Broken Coast" Nightmare

    And for god's sake, get out and vote next time.
  15. greasycanadian

    GreenLeaf Medicinals or "Broken Coast" Nightmare

    I signed up with Greenleaf back in March, after one shipment of some reasonably good Purple Kush that damn recall happened. Apparently they didn't keep production records and had to destroy all of their stock and start from scratch. In turn, they purchased some Pink Kush from that Whistler...
  16. greasycanadian

    Greenleaf Medicinal product recall

    My medication is taxed, whats not to understand?
  17. greasycanadian

    Greenleaf Medicinal product recall

    I was also told that there was nothing wrong with the actual medication, it just came down to somebody not doing paperwork. If that is the case somebody needs to be fired. Bottom line is that this is medicine and these are patients, not a bunch of high school kids looking for half quarters. It...
  18. greasycanadian

    Greenleaf Medicinal product recall

    I finally got through to somebody on the phone today. Apparently, they are still licensed and Health Canada is supposed to be calling them tomorrow. All of their marijuana has been destroyed and they are working with other producers blah blah. I was told that price would be a top priority as...
  19. greasycanadian

    Approved LP List (Updated)

    Fuck that noise, safer and easier to get my ass. For all I know I've been smoking some Bruce Banner shit. I tried it their way and their way failed.
  20. greasycanadian

    Approved LP List (Updated)

    Fuck it I'm just going to grow my own. MMPR patients are not legally allowed to do so correct?