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  1. V

    Welcome New Members!

    im having problems with my sprouts. this is my 3rd or 4th try.... granted the 1st 2 were under a 75w reptile incan light ( all i had at the time.... germinated faster than i expected and had to wait to get paid.) but currently i have it under 2 20w nat light flouros on an 18/6 cycle in an...
  2. V

    sprout help

    yeah i noticed that just now. but thanks for the help on that aspect. but i forgot to mention im using miracle grow organic potting mix. i think the npk is 10-5-5 but im not too sure im having trouble finding it on the bag.
  3. V

    sprout help

    sorry i new i should've viewed it beore i submitted. also im using Miracle-gro organic soil, potting mix. i think the NPK is 10-5-5 but im having trouble finding it on the bag. new links.
  4. V

    sprout help

    OK. Im trying to grow for the first time and my sprouts keep dying. Im keeping them under 2 20w GE Grow "natural light" flouros on an 18/6 light cycle. when the first set of leaves start curling under the plant begins to wilt. if this plant doesnt work im gonna try in a "jiffy pot" ( you know...