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  1. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Do you use Liquid Silicon? GREAT for adding dry weight! Stems get seriously thick, which usually allows a bigger harvest to be carried. No grow of mine is attempted without it :-)
  2. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hopefully Davie Jones will get the producers soon... Cheers! I mean... Aaaarrrrgh
  3. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hello there Apicalshoot! True true, REALLY hot at the moment. Your plants can handle a bit of heat you know. Sure, the can wilt and struggle, but they are only this sensitive because of growing them indoors. Outdoor plants will laugh at this heat! As for Fox Farm, I have used it myself a few...
  4. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Cool if the glass panel installation works for you. A little bit of light is lost through glass (as with water-cooled light fixtures), but I guess the convenience with temperature control outweighs it?
  5. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hello there! This heatwave will not last that long knowing Ireland. You can always get an AC on Ebay or something like that? I think that is the least dodgy growing accessory to buy on Ebay... You can also try an evaporative cooler, although they tend to be far less effective than proper AC's...
  6. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Had a dabble with LED's myself, and were disappointed. OK for early vegging and ripening, but that is about it! I always thought that LED's would become viable once companies like Philips and Osram start making them for growing. Why wouldn't they if it was such a good concept? For interest sake...
  7. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Haha! Yes typical Irish weather. Sometimes cracks me up to see how quickly it changes, and how often they get the forecast wrong. Even live weather updates! On the other hand, when they predict sunny and cloudy weather the are usually spot on. Only thing is, the sun in shining above the clouds! :-)
  8. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Well hello there! I have been growing for about 12 years I think. Maybe 11 1/2... Started with soil like most others, but now I am mainly a hydro man. :-) I tend to gravitate towards sativas myself. The more energetic buzz suits me better, because even without smoke I tend to be rather lazy...
  9. R

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hello everyone! I decided to join the group instead of just reading and being a silent watcher in the background. Sweet to see so many Irish growers on here! Been at it for a loooong time, so I think I would like to help out some newbies, and hopefully learn something too. It seems that we NEVER...