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  1. vegaskid215049

    Fuck my lifeeee

    My fuckin 7 plants were all budding... 2 weeks left and they were all done. I was so proud of them, they were my fiirst plants and they get jacked. If i find out who took them, Im coming at them with a bat. haha damn this sucks, its like loosing your kids...:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:
  2. vegaskid215049


    Thats a nice set up you have bro.. but im pretty sure that's a male plant:[
  3. vegaskid215049

    My plant is drying out.

    hahaha :clap:
  4. vegaskid215049

    fertilizer question?

    Alright i think im about a couple weeks in the vegetation stage. If i were to use a type of fertalizer, what should i use and what should those numbers be?
  5. vegaskid215049

    fertilizer question?

    Is it true you can get some mids seeds, plant them, and if you use the right fertilizers and grow it in great weather you can make that shit bomb? Also, i have got a tip to cut off the very tips of each leaf from when it's just a baby. and that is supposed to increase the potency of the thc...
  6. vegaskid215049

    My plant is drying out.

    Thankyou! My plants are doing better than ever now:]]]]]
  7. vegaskid215049

    My plant is drying out.

    I just moved one of my outdoor plants into a pot and out of the ground do to various reasons. Even tho the plant just moved like 50 feet away, 3 hours later some of the leaves started to curl at the tips and looked like it was drying up. If anyone can spar some advice, what should i do to save it.
  8. vegaskid215049


    Ok, I have one plant inside that is showing obvious signs of being a female plant, but there is mold developing in the soil. So how do i get rid of it, what should i do!?!?!:-(