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  1. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    I should but I'm broke as a joke. lol
  2. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Ah okay cool. One thing I was going to ask you about your setup; I obviously can't use jiffy's for the clones as they'll stay too wet when flooded, but short of building an aerocloner, do you think I could use rapid rooters in the medium-less f/d setup?
  3. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Yeah genetics is obviously a factor. But if someone is using the same mother or a similar one of the same strain, and their rates mysteriously start to drop, you'd have to think it's something other than the genes. Cloning is still a bit unknown territory to me as I've only done it once. Mind...
  4. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Oh my bad. Please forgive the oversight on my part. So the method I used was gleaned from a variety of sources. Basically it goes like this: A sharp, sterile instrument is used to make a cut at 45 degrees. Ideally you would cut just below a node. Clone is put immediately into a container of...
  5. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Sure but I probably fluked the 40/40 strike rate, just fyi, lol. I used jiffy pellets. I went with them simply because they are the most forgiving from what I've read. Given enough time, assuming the clone is relatively healthy when cut, they will root one way or another. And all of mine did...
  6. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Interesting. I'll be sure to do that. What is the purpose or proposed benefits of watering from the bottom up, I wonder?
  7. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    I certainly noticed this in the early weeks. I could go 7-9 days without watering because they're all crammed next to each other and they took ages to dry out. The roots just bust out of the sides and the bottom as a result. I'm back to watering every 3 or 4 days now though as the girls are...
  8. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    41 days bloom. Gonna let these go the full 70. They're getting greasy as fuck and stink to high heaven. ojd did a good job on these Rainbow Jones'.
  9. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Still plugging along. Day 39.
  10. MantisMan

    The klx Way!

    This thread is very informative. You've convinced me to try medium-less flood/drain growing the klx way. Very clean, very simple setup and the results are amazing. I'm gonna try it on my next SOG. :hump:
  11. MantisMan

    The klx Way!

    Bravo, klx. Absolutely fucking beautiful grows, dude.:P
  12. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Sneaky night pic...
  13. MantisMan

    Quantum Boards Grow

    Bravo captainmorgan. Absolutely beautiful.:clap:
  14. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Yeah that's what I've been doing and there's a fair bit of purpling already. I'm trying not to have too much of a swing between day and night temps though. I'll definitely let them get freezing towards the end. lol
  15. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Thanks for the advice, ChefKimbo. I might have to try that in the future at some point.;)
  16. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Thanks vertnugs and WeedSexWeightsShakes. Very nice of you to stop by. Indeed they are 1 gallon fabric pots. I water them all by hand. It really sucks. Very time consuming. Next SOG I'll go coco and set up a drip irrigation.
  17. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Thank you, Nutria. Yes, first attempt. Fingers crossed we get some nice purple buds.:mrgreen:
  18. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    All cobs are 3000k 90 cri. Plan on supplementing with some 3500k 80cri in the future.
  19. MantisMan

    MantisMan SOG I

    Hello everyone. What a great forum. First attempt at growing to full maturation. Took 40 clones from two mothers and got 100% strike rate to my surprise. Vegged for a few days then straight into 12/12. Had dangerously low root zone temp issues for the first couple of weeks which seems to have...