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  1. L

    Late Cloning

    Hello everyone!! My have news of great success! My first time hydroponics setup was deemed successful! All until the final days! I had 4 plants growing in my cabinet where 2 turned out to be male, and 2 turned out to be female. I had seen pictures of both and had an idea of what to expect...
  2. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

    Hello everyone! I'm back with my most recent updated pictures! And guess what! I'm 3 weeks into flowering! But I made a silly mistake... My darn plants have been burning! ... :cry: My lil closet i built is 4 feet high and the plants were about 2.5feet tall when i started flowering... They...
  3. L


    Hrm... please!! I need to know! Will early flowering cause hermies? or increase chances of males? Or would it prevent them from flowering at all? What effects are there to premature flowering?
  4. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

    11-2-08 === 2 Free seeds i had plugged in. 11-9-08 === 2 Bubblegum seeds I put in. I'm now on coming up on to my 5th week for my first 2 plants! My girls are large and growing strong! But I did realize something, my PH tester was messed up.... I've been growing them in extremely basic water...
  5. L


    Will early flowering decrease potency as well? I'm expecting it would surely reduce my yield. Or im more afraid to let them flower if the plant itself isnt ready yet! I'm at about week 4 with the larger plants, and week 3 with the 2 smaller ones. I plan on switching to 12/12 by week 5 or 6...
  6. L


    Hey everyone, my babies are getting too big too fast! I was thinking of cutting off some of the larger older leaves, so that the new leaves on the lower end get some light. Is this ok? Or should I just leave it the way it is? And if I should cut off some of the leaves, is it better to cut...
  7. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

    Here are some updated pictures for everyone to look over! These suckers are getting big really fast. I up'ed the nutes according to the back of the bottle to 1tsp/gallon. (I gave it a lil extra though.) Seems like they like it. :weed: I think I should be getting close to the pre-flowering phase...
  8. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

  9. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

    I just realized that I had misread the instructions on the back of the bottle, and have been using tablespoons instead of teaspoons. :o I have been over feeding my poor little girls. Hopefully this wont harm them. They seem to look healthy enough. Quick question though, on the GH website...
  10. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

    Will I be able to transfer the mother plant into soil after having started growing her in my rez? Making another rez and hydro set is gonna pinch me on cash and my box isnt large enough for it. Will that kill her? or be ok?
  11. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

    HELLO EVERYONE!! Heres a quick update with some pics! I'm on week 3 of my first grow and I have some interesting developments! My gurlz are getting real big really fast. Plus there's a slight aroma of bud in my box. :cool: I'm now changing my soup a bit following the guide on the GH website...
  12. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

    UPDATE!! My grow has now been going for over 2 weeks now! I had 2 seeds give me a sprout the first week, and 2 more sprouted for me the following week. Here are some pictures! The two larger plants are about 2.5 weeks old, and the two little ones are 1 week. The one in the middle has a 2 what...
  13. L

    Rockwool Cubes

    Cheers! Thanks everyone.
  14. L

    Rockwool Cubes

    I properly germinated my next batch of seeds which I'm going to be throwing in my getup. THE QUESTION IS!! Do I need to separate the sprout from the rockwool and gently place it standing in the hydroton rocks? Or can I leave the sprout in the Rockwool and place it in the net with the rocks? I...
  15. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

    Aww.... Shit. My momma plants gonna get big eh... I have no where to put it. This might get ugly... After starting a plant with hydroponics, can you ultimately transfer a mother to a pot of soil? I don't want to build a whole nother hydro set just for the mamma.
  16. L

    Light Schedule and Watering Schedule

    What does it mean to "lolipop" the plants? :confused: Please, enlighten me. DragonPheonix, I went ahead and bought me a timer that can create 2 turn on and shut off points. I'm trying to find an interval timer that can switch on and off between a few minutes but I cant seem to find on on Amazon...
  17. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

    The sprayers I'm using are from Home Depot, 180 Degree sprayers, like 3 bux for a bag of like 10. I drilled holes into a short pvc pipe and added the sprayers. The pump is a 135gph water pump. The pump is a little weak so the spray doesnt actually come out as a spray but more like a spurt? Its...
  18. L

    OK! First Hydroponics setup!

    Haha, you guessed it. I'm busted! now they can hunt me down. :-| Thanks for the info. that makes sense. I do plan on cloning as soon as I get one or two really good mothers going. But i'm still just testing out the system, and I'm using the freebies from my ordered seeds just to make sure this...
  19. L

    Light Schedule and Watering Schedule

    Hello everyone, G1 here. I just got my first sprout!! 1 out of 3 seeds i plugged into my rockwool which i drowned in water and nute soup happened to survive. I was dumb and didnt really study that part. But I was lucky because apparantly the 1 seed that germinated happened to be TWINS...
  20. L


    G1 here. Sorry, but i did something silly. I researched just about everything I might need for my set and have it ready to go, BUT!! I forgot to figure out the best methods for germinating my seeds! I have rockwool cubes inside my black nets surrounded by those little orange rocks, forgot what...