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  1. B

    injunction/court case updates

    From reading through the judgement reasons, here is what I believe it all boiled down to. ***** [211] It is unnecessary to debate whether the Plaintiffs’ preference of one strain versus another is medically established. There is enough anecdotal evidence that the type of strain affects the...
  2. B

    Can someone explain...

    It was an attack on parliament hill. The soldier was killed and is a representation of what happened. Symbolism....
  3. B

    MMAR question.

  4. B

    MMAR question.

    If you were previously part of the MMAR and happily growing away, why are you not now? Why no renewal? If you were diverting to the bm I can see it, but if you were straight and using for medical purposes I don't get it.
  5. B

    MMAR question.

    For all the folks who didn't renew. I keep reading here how Manson fucked everyone with the injunction. What he is saying is if you're license is valid now(Mar 21 2014) you are good to go, if you let it lapse you are now in the new system(MMPR). What he is saying is if it lapsed maybe you...
  6. B

    Make your own nutrients?

    Anyone try this? Is this formulation correct?
  7. B

    Change in Address

    According to the ruling, it's business as usual in accordance with your ATP notwithstanding the expiry date. If you were good to go Sept 30(not oct 1) you are good to go now. If you are growing at a location not listed on your ATP you are not in accordance with you ATP. The only thing that...
  8. B

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    I want to grow inside AND outside instead of only in....