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  1. M

    is that a hermy ???

    i gotta by a new one. There s a burnt cable im not good at electricity. Dont wanna burn the house. Thank you for your help.
  2. M

    is that a hermy ???

    Shrooms r already in my list.
  3. M

    is that a hermy ???

    Long and an unfotrunate story. Fuckin iphone wife asked for it couse of its "amazing" camera. I ll try to take better ones. What kind of bad luck now the ballast s dead fck
  4. M

    is that a hermy ???

    Hi all. I have a plant with some weird buds. 3 or 4 tops looks normal but some others has no hair. I tried to take pics but im not sure about the quality. But maybe someone can help anyway. Btw. I did some crapy experiments on her like low temp, choped roots, high humidity etc.
  5. M

    Auto northern lights

    i m new too but i dont think that light s enough. ppl say u gotta give 10k lumens per plant. u may need to put couple more bulbs and check which light color is good for vegetative or bloom stage ( and ur girl is too young too...
  6. M

    Weird buds , maybe hermies ???

    i m a first time grower and have 5 plants in soil under 400 w hps and there s been 69 days since they sprouted. So there s one girl that i m not realy sure about her gender. cuz her buds are forming strange. Please tell me your opinions is that a hermie ? Strain: fantasmo auto by mephisto genetics