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  1. bamboogreen

    BambooGreen's First Official Stealth PC Grow :D!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend, wanted to know if you anyone could help me with a problem.. in the first picture(diablo OG) there are some brown/yellow spots and they feel dry, is this due to a nitrogen deficiency? should I cut this part of the leaf? also On the Hindu skunk one of the leaves...
  2. bamboogreen

    BambooGreen's First Official Stealth PC Grow :D!

    Thanks :) I got the hindu skunk clone for free for picking the diablo OG clone. At the time of potting I only had one pot so I threw both of them in there, a day or so later I decided I wanted to try to LST two plants as an experiment and for fun to practice. Should be interesting what I yield...
  3. bamboogreen

    BambooGreen's First Official Stealth PC Grow :D!

    Happy Friday everyone! just wanted to update the thread before the weekend started with some pics of my setup and grow. I added two 27 watt 2' 6400K bulbs(now totaling 133watts), and some more mylar along the top and side of the pc case. So far my grow is going well, and temps consist of, at...
  4. bamboogreen

    Question about a PC Grow box.

    If you want an example you can check out my grow, i recently finished my PC case i have my power strip taped to very strong magnets and the light bulb sockets attached to the strip allowing me to adjust the light to the right height.
  5. bamboogreen

    5500k vs 6400k

    Very interesting.. thanks for sharing the chart, I wonder if a mix of different spectrum colored bulbs would create a more balanced effect if you had a mix of some 5000s and 6000s?
  6. bamboogreen

    first grow pc case

    hey i was browsing to look for similar grows and i noticed you just happened to be starting your grow a day before mine :) , lots of luck to you man! its my first grow as well in a stealth full tower PC case you should check it out and we could trade some ideas/ growing tips. Sick light setup...
  7. bamboogreen

    BambooGreen's First Official Stealth PC Grow :D!

    Finally got some more pics up :) my "pandas" are doing well, I started a little LST on them. The temps have been running cool at 79 degrees F, and the humidity is about 60 percent. I went out to find some 6500K bulbs at a local lamp store and found 2x26 watts so I am running those in there...
  8. bamboogreen

    BambooGreen's First Official Stealth PC Grow :D!

    Thanks man, I am going to update pics of my case today when the sun is out lol I read a couple pages from your My First Attempt at Flowering with CFLS and I wanted to say props to you! but i am sure that batch is long smoked by now? :p
  9. bamboogreen

    BambooGreen's First Official Stealth PC Grow :D!

    Four months after the new year and I finally completed my PC stealth case full tower that I bought on ebay. Having been busy with multiple things, I have some time to have fun with this micro grow :) My current grow knowledge consist of two grow books that i read over, and many online articles/...