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  1. etled

    Canadian friends a lil help

    I'm in southern alberta, and my indica started flowering 5 days ago
  2. etled

    Miracle Gro question !

    thanks a bunch Xub, answered my question!
  3. etled

    Miracle Gro question !

    that's exactly why I asked the question :) it's hard to know what to do when you have no experience, but thanks for the response :bigjoint:
  4. etled

    Miracle Gro question !

    I've heard a lot of terrible things about MG, but I was at wal-mart and the price was right. Just to clarify, I can mix my All Purpose and Ultra Bloom in the same feeding cycle? I'm hesitant to use the ultra bloom, because I'm still keeping my plant in veg. Thanks for the help !
  5. etled

    Miracle Gro question !

    I'm wondering if I can mix my Miracle Gro All Purpose with my MG Ultra Bloom? I don't know ANYTHING about nutrients, and I'm very new to growing. My plant is about 5 weeks old, recently re-potted to a 4gal bucket. Thanks :leaf:
  6. etled

    Need help sexing my plants!

    That's what I thought... Thanks everyone! I'm not at all upset. I've got a few more potted plants, and I'd love to see a male grow anyway. Quick response :joint:
  7. etled

    Need help sexing my plants!

    P.S. I'm assuming it's male, I can't see any white hairs... although, I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for
  8. etled

    Need help sexing my plants!

    I have 1 plant in a back yard that's starting to flower. It's just a small experiment, a tiny plant with a single node (so far). This is my first time growing anything, I'm just trying to get a feel and I don't expect much. Sorry for the low-quality pictures! :peace:
  9. etled

    Purple Bud / Anthocyanin

    Thanks for the heads up! I had seen it somewhere on the internet... Never considered the ant problem, but it seems so obvious :roll:
  10. etled

    Purple Bud / Anthocyanin

    Is it possible to change the colour of my bud by using anthocyanin-rich blueberries or blackberries placed in the soil? Or possibly by adding anthocyanin-rich fruit juices when watering? Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? Thanks!