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  1. D

    Arrested For Growing In Connecticut, State Police & Locals Are Out To Get Growers

    Well.. went to court today.. the whole situation is fucked.. first offense on this situation and they don't want to play ball with accelerated rehabilitation, probation or suspended sentence.. they want my ass. Today was the arraignment next date is the 13th of april.. hope to hell something...
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    Arrested For Growing In Connecticut, State Police & Locals Are Out To Get Growers

    Trust me that the power bill was in the 1000s, it def had something to do with it.. it is the only attachment to the affidavit other than one photo. Even if a CI had given some info there would be a statement of his/hers attached.. there is not.. we will know more on the 9th... indeed CT is...
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    Arrested For Growing In Connecticut, State Police & Locals Are Out To Get Growers

    They also had photos off of this site from the shed... when it was in full bloom. So i am assuming my ISP was involved as well? Who knows. I am waiting till court on the 9th. The strange thing is it hasnt even been in the paper or the news... and something like this in this bodunk town is...
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    Arrested For Growing In Connecticut, State Police & Locals Are Out To Get Growers

    Pretty much positive as to the power bill thing -- even though no one seems to want to believe it.. they can tell if you are even 500 watts over what you are using... I used to work for the power company.... I know. I never stole power or stole anything, didnt even have a parking ticket. Nor...
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    Arrested For Growing In Connecticut, State Police & Locals Are Out To Get Growers

    Positive.. let me tell you 2800 watts running 24/7 for veg here with a 10x15 area, with co2, fans, airpumps, hydro pumps, etc... it adds up.. i was paying an extra 300-450 a month ontop of my usual bill.. so yah.. it raised eyebrows. It was the main attachment/portion of the affidavit on the...
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    Arrested For Growing In Connecticut, State Police & Locals Are Out To Get Growers

    I wish --- the money isnt there to move... if it was I'd jump on it in a heart beat.. I gotta get my surgery done for my tumors first.. and now thats not going to happen due to what Im going to get whacked with for attorney fees and court costs, fines, etc etc... god forbid jailtime... hey if i...
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    Arrested For Growing In Connecticut, State Police & Locals Are Out To Get Growers

    Howdy Y'all, Ive been a cancer patient now for 11 months -- I am 26 and the only thing I have found that has worked for me is smoking ganja. I had a small operation which was for personal consumption. Had 2800watts of power going in the setup. CL&P blew the whistle due to "excessive power...
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    DWC/Bubbleponics Grow #14

    Hey you two.. thanks for responding.. been going at this for a wee bit and I'm still loving each and every day of it.. if you have enough babies going.. its almost a full time job! Hope all is well with you and yours.. have a wonderful day! -G
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    DWC/Bubbleponics Grow #14

    And Even More Photos....
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    DWC/Bubbleponics Grow #14

    More Pics.
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    DWC/Bubbleponics Grow #14

    Howdy All! The 14th grow.. 3rd since I've been diagnosed with glioblastoma (brain cancer). Originally used seeds from Nirvana -- then cloned from there on. 14th go around now -- going onto the 15th with the new set of clones. Anywho... setup is as follows: Clone/Seedling Setup: Hydrofarm...
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    1st setup, looking for suggestions or improvements

    Best way to root cuttings (as said above): Take cutting so that there are leaves up top and leaves below on the cutting's "stem" then slice the leaves below off and cut the bottom of the stem at a 45 degree angle.. dip/swirl cutting bottom up to and including the area where you cut off the...
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    Reflective material

    Heya.. depending upon where you are and your budget you have a few options.. Most ghetto option I've ever used is to implement the space/emergency heat blankets you can get in the camping/survival section of most big box stores, then you have good ol' mylar which is great but somewhat pricey...
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    First time growing, looking for feedback on my growing setup

    Other than what I said -- looks good, but I would be sure to put inline fans from each section so that they support/feed the main fan for the exhaust.. other than that.. looks groovy to me... be sure everything is light/sound tight, foam, caulk and tape are your friends. Also -- be sure to stay...
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    First time growing, looking for feedback on my growing setup

    Okay -- I am assuming you already have plants in the three stages... clones, flowering, vegatative? If not.. forget about having three sections till you get to that point and focus on one section at a time. If you do have all three stages going -- looks good to me.. I'd go/work on a 91 day...
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    Confused About Ventilation

    Err... a bit high for an indoor grow.. been doing this 15 years and never had an indoor grow go above 78 degrees Under normal conditions the ideal temperature range for indoor growth is 72 to 76 degrees.. at night the temp can drop 0-15 degrees the temp should not drop more than 15 degrees at...
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    Trouble setting up ventilation in crawlspace

    Heya! Use a mason bit.. they sell them at home depot, lowes, walmart, or any hardware/home improvement store. A mason bit will absolutely eat brick, stone, motar etc. Do not use a regular drill bit it will prove a(n) daunting task.. you will be eating your bits, putting excessive stress on...
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    Trouble setting up ventilation in crawlspace

    I would try your hardest to go ahead and remove the bricks. If you cannot you can go ahead and use multiple smaller ductwork -- use say 4 or 6 2" lines of ductwork instead of one 4,6 or 8 inch. I had to do that in an attic one time had to force everything out with computer fans and 2" ducting...
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    Exhaust/Intake Q

    I definitely agree with the 90 degree light trap... If you wanna do it on the CHEAP.. add about 4-6 inches more ventilation ducting than you need and the 'slack' in the ducting will trap the light.. now this will also cut the efficiency of the fan a wee bit but it works in a pinch. Hope you get...
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    1st setup, looking for suggestions or improvements

    Howdy, Could you let us know what size area you have available to you? If you are talking about a 4x4 area.. you are limited a bit to the height/bush of the plants.. but not that much.. you will still work it out. From personal experience, I would do the following -- as a first timer I...