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  1. M

    a little help please

    it seems that a lot of ppl believe its easyer than soil for cloning and germinating, do you know of any good blogs or whatever about cloning and germinating in soil?
  2. M

    a little help please

    im reposting this because i got no response in newbie section, a little help would be nice ok so i did some research and found some answer's, actually i found to many of them. here is a list of ?'s with possible correct answer already in them, i found way to many different answers for all...
  3. M

    PH........... ?'s/opinions/suggestions

    ok so i did some research and found some answer's, actually i found to many of them. here is a list of ?'s with possible correct answer already in them, i found way to many different answers for all these question's so im hoping some PROFESSIONAL OR EXPERIENCED growers could help me out. Also...
  4. M

    um is this right?

    oh also is it true i want more exhaust cfm than intake cfm?
  5. M

    um is this right?

    ok cool so doing it right just trying to move to much air. k cool. anyone got suggestion for which brand for intake and exhaust fans, looking for the most quiet fans i can get.
  6. M

    um is this right?

    so my room is 10x12x9 and im trying to figure out what size intake or exhaust fan i would need. from what i have read you multiply LxWxH to get cubic volume of room. so that would put my room at 1080 cubic feet, so if i wanted to cycle the air in the room 3 times per minute i would need a...
  7. M

    mother plants

    thanks to everyone for there help, taking it all in. yes understand its lots of commitment but this work will be split in two as another individual will also be helping with the grow, he has some exp growing but only outdoors
  8. M

    mother plants

    good advice i will look into the 99 plant count, but reason for 200 was to get shortest cycle's i could, i would like to do 2 month cycles, longer veg time would push me far past that, im trying to veg for only week, and flower for 6-8. i'm thinking that lots of small plants with short veg...
  9. M

    mother plants

    oh and yeah plans are very ambitious. "reach for the sky so if you fall you land on the clouds"
  10. M

    mother plants

    yes i was planning on starting with one mother and if my setup works from a-z i would end up with four mothers eventually, i have a 10x12 room so eventually i would like to end up with that room supporting 4 mothers, 200 clones and 200 flowering. i have lots of time to research and study up but...
  11. M

    mother plants

    awsome thanks for the help, i will continue reading....
  12. M

    mother plants

    haha yeah i mean a few ?s, yeah i tryed searching but there is so much info out there i was hoping i could just post ?'s and get answers. yeah another lazy stoner here.
  13. M

    mother plants

    ok couple simple questions? i'm pre-planning and researching for a grow room i plan to build months from now. i want to grow 4 mothers plants using flourescent lighting and produce about 200 or so clones per my questions are. (I'm new to all of this so please bare with my ?'s) 1-Is...