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  1. Sebastian1234

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    ROFL Regardless, let's take for example this light: . 2200EUR for 600W; a ridiculous amount of money for just one LED, but they say it can maintain 'uniform light distribution' for 2m x 2m, if hanged at 2m (6,5ft.), with...
  2. Sebastian1234

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I'm also waiting for Dutch Passion to release their new LED ( ). I'm hoping they'll come up with a relatively cheap-ish and efficient product. The idea is that I'm willing to spend around €2500 for lights only, and I want to...
  3. Sebastian1234

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Why are the Mars II garbage? I'm looking to buy LED lights for a 8x8 tent, and I wanted to go with 4xMars II 1600W. I live in Europe, and unfortunately there aren't that many choices at such low prices as in the United States, so, I would welcome advice; but please, if you could also support...
  4. Sebastian1234

    I have literally no idea what does that mean, but I'm looking to buy LED lights, and, of course...

    I have literally no idea what does that mean, but I'm looking to buy LED lights, and, of course, I don't want to pay for some over-priced LED panels just because they are branded. So, would you recommend the Mars II? Thank you
  5. Sebastian1234

    Hey, I saw one of your posts, and I would really really appreciate your opinion as an engineer...

    Hey, I saw one of your posts, and I would really really appreciate your opinion as an engineer. xD You said you own both a Blackdog and a Mars II, and the only difference is that the Blackdog has a sealed driver module, while the Mars' is opened.