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  1. H

    Crown royal hermaphrodite

    I gave up on that company, when I informed them about it they told me tuff shit. I have been really happy with Reserva Privada, from herbies.
  2. H

    K deficiency?

    My watering is in 2gph drippers they are on just until I I get slight runoff. I'll cut back the number to three times a day. I'm not using canna coco, can't remember the brand name, the local hydo shop recommend it. It is a mix on coco coir, coco husks or chunks and that porous glass rock. I was...
  3. H

    K deficiency?

    I will back off the pk, and see what happens. Thanks everyone!
  4. H

    K deficiency?

    I like my coco, plants look great other than the lower fan leaves. Don't really want to do back to soil. It's pretty common to feed coco several times a day, you get almost hydro speed. Definitely not overfeeding, no signs of burns on any of the top three quarters of the plant. I know what n...
  5. H

    K deficiency?

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if my suspicion is correct? Looking at the diagnose your plant guide it seems like a pretty good match. Anyway, I'm running a dtw drip system in coco under a 600 watt hps. I'm using canna a and b, calimagic, pk 13/14, and drip clean. I also use some Moab later on. My...
  6. H

    Dying bud leaves

    Oh, by the way. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone again for the the help! This forum is by far the best I have found!!
  7. H

    Dying bud leaves

    Yeah, it's with a g, never was a great speller! They are only about 5 weeks in.
  8. H

    Dying bud leaves

    I removed my air stone a couple of grows ago, thought is was making my ph swing more. I usually have to mix a new Batch weekly. Don't think I could do the daily thing, just too busy. I guess I'll just let everything finish, clean everything, then start over. Thanks again everyone for all the...
  9. H

    Dying bud leaves

    Both, it is happening on the 2 oldest plants. One is a seed plant, one is a clone. It's a drip to waste system, so the rise in ph is happening inside my res. Guess I should check the runoff ph? Thanks everyone!
  10. H

    Dying bud leaves

    Plant is not root bound at all. I actually pulled it from the pot to take a look. This fungal pathogen thing has me scared since I do perpetual grow. Is there any way to treat this pathegen? Thanks everyone!!
  11. H

    Dying bud leaves

    I alwasy thought you could grow decent sized plants in small pots of coco. They are in 2 gallon pot, and plants are maybe 2 feet tall. My other plants are only about a foot, so about half the size. Hopefully those will not star t to do t he same. If they do I guess I know I need bigger pots...
  12. H

    Dying bud leaves

    I have, no signs of mites, I've had them in the past. Had knats earlier in the grow haven'tseen any in a month. Thanks for the reply!
  13. H

    Dying bud leaves

    Hi guys, I was hoping someone could help me out with this problem I'm having. It starts around mid flower. My setup is coco dtw in 2 gallon pots, using canna a+b, calimagic +, senizyme, drip clean, and mob. PPMs come to around 800. PH usually drifts to 6.2 after setting it at 5.8 every couple...
  14. H

    Crown royal hermaphrodite

    Sounds like a plan. It's a shame, I really do like the strain.
  15. H

    Crown royal hermaphrodite

    Hey guys, so I was looking at my clones last night and noticed balls. Then I checked my mother and found a couple, the mother is about five weeks into flower and the clones about 3. Should I just pick balls as a see them or scrap everything? Has anyone else had issues with crop king seeds? Here...
  16. H

    Overwatering? Please helphelp

    Just flushed with clearing solution and 6 gallons of water, hopefully this will help. Time will tell.. Thank you everyone for your responses, you all rock!
  17. H

    Overwatering? Please helphelp

    Do you guys think I should flush? Or not water a couple of days?
  18. H

    Overwatering? Please helphelp

    Roots look nice and white, from what I could see just pulling it out of the pot.
  19. H

    Overwatering? Please helphelp

    I was also thinking that could be a nitrogen tox, but I'm using 1/4 strength nutes, and the leaves are still soft not crispy like when I've burt plants in the past. Would n toxicity cause the limp leaves in the lower part of the plant too?
  20. H

    Overwatering? Please helphelp

    Hi guys, I just recently setup a drip system for my plants in coco, and one out of the four plants is showing signs of, I believe overwatering. I'm really not sure, at first it only seemed to effect the top of my plant, now I'm seeing wilting on lower portions as well. I Was Also thinking...