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  1. PfefferGeist

    Indoor porn.. picture dump

    Man. Good stuff!
  2. PfefferGeist

    AM BACK !!!!!!!!!

    Seeing healthy plants makes me smile! -PG
  3. PfefferGeist

    volcanic rock dust

    The Azomite and Agrowinn seem to be the best at making the water cloudy but any finely ground rock dust that makes the water cloudy works. Please observe all safety precautions and wear proper PPE (personal protective equipment like a dust mask or respirator) when handling rock dust. Unlike...
  4. PfefferGeist

    Soil or Light Source: Which Produces Denser Buds?

    I like this. Where is the like button? Sorry, but I can't seem to locate it. I'm new. -PG
  5. PfefferGeist

    Passive air tent? Help? Will it smell??

    As long as you maintain a vacuum (negative pressure) in your tent, the affected air will not escape. Be sure to blow thru the hood instead of drawing thru it due to the fact that you may be drawing affected air thru leaks in the duct connections and reflector housing. Hope this helps. -PG
  6. PfefferGeist

    volcanic rock dust

    It depends on what it will be used for. Protein hydrolysates (for a fungi dominant tea) with fungi dominant compost, molasses (for a bacteria dominant tea) compost and EWC, sea minerals, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, and some aloe. -PG
  7. PfefferGeist

    volcanic rock dust

    I never brew a tea without it. The finer the dust, the easier it is to dilute in water. I have noticed that the plants have been more responsive when i have used the rock dust so it stayed. The dust actually give the beneficial microbes a surface to "latch" on to and provide trace elements like...
  8. PfefferGeist

    What type of system for aquaponics?

    SmerkedOut, Good to see ppl interested in cultivating our favorite plant this way! Flood and Drain with a siphon adds the benefit of aerating the root zone and water without the use of an air pump. The pump will be running constantly so continuous water movement along with pump longevity are...
  9. PfefferGeist

    Decomposing Wood

    This is good stuff ^^^^^^. I have added rock dust minerals, alfalfa and kelp meal, and EWC to wood chips and applied as mulch in my pots. It turns into black, fluffy goodness. It works wonders for water retention. The rock dust helps with acidity and the alfalfa provides the nitrogen to...