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  1. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    Ok I will try bigger fans and a dehumidifier .. How dry should I set the dehumidifier ?
  2. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    lol i did all the bed rooms upstairs lol .... and i got a question for ur soil grow, how tall do ur plants get ?
  3. Arsen

    i just woke up one day and said wth lets give it a shot ... if i dont try i wont know

    i just woke up one day and said wth lets give it a shot ... if i dont try i wont know
  4. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    what gates? im not sure about flood tables it works i guesss but it sures beats my homedepot bucket thingy ... yeah my electric bill is about 1500 a month
  5. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    I started in feb with flood tables .. Never did soil .. I find it less time consuming and easier .. If u tell me how to post pics from my IPhone I would show u my new 1500k set up ..
  6. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    Well when I get back to my place I'l. Try to post pictures of my new 1500k grow .. Trying to do it big
  7. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    I prune fans leaves i just pruned leaves today for my new grow .. I'm not sure how to prevent rot .. I'm still new in the game .. From other people telling me it's cause of the colas are so dense that's why is rots .. I'm not sure I'm still learning
  8. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    I begged for 4 weeks then I flipped 12/12 and due to budrot I harvested at 7 weeks instead of 8
  9. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    Granddy purp
  10. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    Dry weight just 50 grams under 6lbs
  11. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    Well I didn't scrog or top any of the plants but I did prune a lot of leaves fan leaves and lower branches So y'all saying 4 lights 6 lbs is good?
  12. Arsen

    4 lights 36plants 6 pounds is that good ?

    Just harvested and kinda new to this .. Wondering if I'm doing good or bad .. I pulled a total of 6 pounds out of 4 1k lamps
  13. Arsen

    Phosphoload ???

    I've tried phosphoload .. It does work ! But u have to watch out for botrytis towards the end of flowering.
  14. Arsen


  15. Arsen

    Beastgrow the Kushmaster
