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  1. R

    had to pull em so much hard work wasted :/

    really? because there are several states where theyll put you away for 15 years for any cultivation what so ever.
  2. R

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    the people here trolling you are assholes. I guess they havent got anything better to do than act like imbeciles and pretend they are the gurus of pot growing. UB gets his panties all in a bunch over every little thing along with several other windbags on here --too funny! He easily describes...
  3. R

    City of Anarchy

    being 14 and being with someone 14 hardly makes one a child molester. Also quoting yourself as evidence of what someone else said is silly. please post real evidence of your claims. The pure hatred and name calling makes you and the fin hatin crowd no better than you say he is. post links to...