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  1. newboydanny

    Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls

    here's my other plant any ideas on this one no she's bad?
  2. newboydanny

    Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls

    what a long period flushing my girls,just done 10 littres on the one now on the second 10 littres.just of 15 littres on my other still have one plant to do done i have flushed these to.Just hope they are ok and ent locked up :-(.
  3. newboydanny

    Hello growers im new on here and to growing and if it werent for your help id be stuck to so...

    Hello growers im new on here and to growing and if it werent for your help id be stuck to so thanks growers,happy growing to!!!!
  4. newboydanny

    Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls

    ok cool thanks guys i will have to look for a bucket tomoz,im putting the flush on hold for the min till me new ph tester kit arrives dont want to stress them out even more like they are now.Now that the tester isnt working i dont no what the ph is
  5. newboydanny

    Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls

    guys i have to shoot off for now but will be back soon i will reply to you and guy and thank you very much for your help i appreciate all your help you are giving me.bud monsta sorry mate the tester you have brought like mine is shit or might be ok cuz u are grwoing in coco thanks guys talk soon
  6. newboydanny

    Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls

    ok brill im just putting nutes in and then ph then feed but when iu feed with a one littre bucket the ph has gone lower or higher in my one littre bucket i dont under stand that to
  7. newboydanny

    Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls

    wow thats a lot of water how much should feed them after using ionic bloom and boost i put 70ml of bloom to evry 10 littres of water and 1 ml of boost to 10 do i have that or full strength nutes
  8. newboydanny

    Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls

    10 littres i can make up at a time the way i have been feeding is trying to get the ph write in the bucket once i do i put nutes in now that i have read what you wrote im doing it wrong.with the meter you are write it does'nt wark write i put the meter all the way in the ph stays at say 6 when i...
  9. newboydanny

    Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls

    really trying that mate but not sure how much water to flush one plant that isnt shown here is mashed really bad shape
  10. newboydanny

    Size of my pots advise me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am flushing my plants due to there not well but im not flushing a nuff,im flushing 5 littres in them.The only size i no they are is 13 inchs deep and wide and 12 inchs deep and wide please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. newboydanny

    Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls

    ok cool thankyou well my other problem is i dont no the size of my pots just that ther 13 inchs deep and wide and 12 inchs deep and wide so dont no if 5 littres is a nuff for them could be why the ph isnt going down maybe????
  12. newboydanny

    Ph problem big time please help me i have pics of me girls

    Hello growers this is my first grow big bang,6 weeks into floering now i have 3 but take pics of two plants.I have been flushing for over a week now started off flushing not a nuff so i have put it up to 5 littres now using ph down.My problem is the ph is not moving i use me ph meter also im...
  13. newboydanny

    Green house big bang 2?????????????

    brill thanks mate have to look them up,heres me girls bit of a mess.also spec on the big bang 2 ypu can get them off rhino site
  14. newboydanny

    Green house big bang 2?????????????

    brill thanks mate,heres me girls not sure how to put them on here diffrent.also spec on the big bang 2
  15. newboydanny

    Green house big bang 2?????????????

    Big Bang 2 produced upto 20% more that original Big Bang - they've taken Big Bang and somehow squeezed another 20% from it!. Shaved, spruced and now wearing a '5-star' suit, the yield from Big Bang 2 is astonishing. Equipped with thicker stalks a shorter structure - she supports the extra...
  16. newboydanny

    Green house big bang 2?????????????

    are they good for a new grower tho?
  17. newboydanny

    Green house big bang 2?????????????

    hhhhheeeeeeeeeeellllllloooo no one out there to help me out