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  1. N

    Early force flower to sex, then re-veg... can't stop the buds

    Thanks everyone... I am now on 24/0 light which i will ramp down to 18/6 as the plant shows signs of reverting. Tough lesson, but good to know sexing the plant doesn't require messing with the light schedule. best hobby ever.
  2. N

    Early force flower to sex, then re-veg... can't stop the buds

    just checked on the plant, it is showing signs of flowering everywhere, at the nodes, at the tips (these aren't really removable without destroying the tips)... i haven't switched to flowering nutes, and the plant isn't big enough (i was just starting to train it into the screen) i would...
  3. N

    Early force flower to sex, then re-veg... can't stop the buds

    this is my second grow, but first time from seed. once the plant was about 8" tall I switched from 18/6 to 12/12 and within 3 days i had female pre-flowers. i immediately switched back to 18/6 lighting, but now a week later i am seeing flowers developing. should i go to 24 hour light...