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  1. bongsmokerchronictoker

    HELP a 1st Grower - 12/12 From seed To Harvest (PICS!)

    plants reach up to the light . make sure you ahve it in something with nutes
  2. bongsmokerchronictoker

    wild pot growing on a NYC sidewalk!!

    save it from the piggies
  3. bongsmokerchronictoker

    Aquaponics works!

    Lookin good keep it up.
  4. bongsmokerchronictoker

    Need help passing urine test for po!!!

    pfft probably a false positive on the test OR you must just have been smoking an obscene amount of ganj for a long ass time before you quit. I was smokin probly 4-7 times a day before I had to quit and I passed the piss test in 28 days. That was with regular excercise though. good luck though...