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  1. L

    Baking firecrackers at 98 degrees for 24 hours?

    hey i wasn't trolling last night i was stoned. i was going to go carhopping and im glad i didnt. im sober now, so hello everyone.
  2. L

    Baking firecrackers at 98 degrees for 24 hours?

    yr mother has our n;ame tatooed on her ass
  3. L

    Have you ever found yourself in a hole so deep you can't see a way out?

    black purple dirnk that da niggas be doin on
  4. L

    What age do you think people should start smoking weed?

    15 ideally for me, because by then i was almost done with physical puberty having facial hair and being tall and man structured and having a man penis. lol im high. or 16 o 17 if they hit puberty really late
  5. L

    Baking firecrackers at 98 degrees for 24 hours?

    I was thinking that I'll want to be high tomorrow like I am now.. SO if i make a firecraka and tape it to my ball sac, will it cook at my balls temperature of 98 degrees for 24 hours and if i eat the firecrakors afterwords then ill be high? right ? this is a seirous question aolthough i am quite...
  6. L

    yo bruhs im new in this village of urs. i smoke bible pape

    hey whats up munchers. i am stoned so i decide to make this great account. i wanna go carhopping soon when im stoned. hahahha lawl. im serious. :/ well hello everyone i smoke an ounce a month to introduce myself. i was out of papers or blacks so i decided to tear a piece of paper out of a...