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  1. bcboy

    CFL Stealth Cab, my low cost first grow.

    Good to know, the little ones look like they are loving the added light so I went ahead and started them on 1/4 strength nutes today (1/4tsp of Micro, Grow and Bloom per gallon). Once this gallon is finished and I don't see any signs of nute burn I will up the strength until I see any signs of...
  2. bcboy

    CFL Stealth Cab, my low cost first grow.

    Well I managed to get two more bulbs in there for a total of 7 now. I added a 23w 2700k and a 23w 6500k right in the middle of my hanging fixture to add some lumens to the middle. I don't know how much the two 2700k bulbs are doing but I ran out of 6500k bulbs and I have heard that sometimes a...
  3. bcboy

    First Grow - PC Case!

    Lookin good mang!
  4. bcboy

    CFL Stealth Cab, my low cost first grow.

    Thanks for the advise man. The seeds I got were not feminized so I germed 5 thinking I would get 1-2 girls in there with some ScrOG or LST. If I do get more then one or two I'll probly throw them outside, but it's still rainy/cold up here in BC. We'll see, if I get one girl I'll be happy. On...
  5. bcboy

    CFL Stealth Cab, my low cost first grow.

    So yesterday I changed up the light configuration a bit. Took off the reflectors, added some Y splitters and two 23w 6500k bulbs down low, and then one 42w 2700k bulb up top for a little change in spectrum. I don't know if it's gonna do a hell of a lot way up there but why not give it a try...
  6. bcboy

    CFL Stealth Cab, my low cost first grow.

    So I see, nice journal man. Your plant seems to be responding very nicely to LST. I am debating on this or a ScrOG method for my youngsters, hmm... I just turned my fan up a bit more to see what that will bring the temps down to. Positive vibes in hopes of a female buddybongsmilie
  7. bcboy

    CFL Stealth Cab, my low cost first grow.

    Ahh, figured as much. Temperatures are 85-89* with the lights on, and can go to down as low at 71* at night time, lights are 18/6, on at 6am, off at midnight. This is also with the fan barely being able to keep spinning, I could lower the temps I'm sure by turning it up, but I love how you cant...
  8. bcboy

    CFL Stealth Cab, my low cost first grow.

    No nutrients, gonna wait another week at least. They are in regular old planter box soil from Walmart (sterilized) if that matters. When the seed cracked, this was the leaf is stuck on to for the few days it took to fall off, maybe it just didn't get any light compared to the others..?
  9. bcboy

    CFL Stealth Cab, my low cost first grow.

    Thanks for the kind words, not much new today. They all look like they are loving life, nice and green. Except for one who has had some brown on one of her leaves since she came up. Any ideas?
  10. bcboy

    CFL Stealth Cab, my low cost first grow.

    Whatup guys, been lurking this site for a few months and finally got my budget cab up and running. Just wanted to keep you guys informed on my progress as well as hopefully get any tips from the experts on here. You guys kick ass, so much useful shit to learn off this site:bigjoint: I got a...
  11. bcboy

    soundproofing a veg cab??

    This stuff works great for that kinda stuff You should be able to find it at Home Deopt, Lowes etc
  12. bcboy

    My first grow, 4 plant mixed strain 100% organic

    What up ROI? I'm a long time lurker first time grower. Well second time grower really, earlier in the year the cops came to my door and made me cut down 5 plants right before they started to flower. I got off scott free but I was pissed my weeks of work went to waste. Anyways, my girlfriend and...