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    You think its from the foil? I never thought of that, it makes sense D= I just did a search on it and people are saying a lot of bad stuff about the foil, I am surprised I didn't catch that cuz I did tons of research on this. As for mold you think we can rule that out? ill take foil burn over...
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    Is this mold? I had problems with the plants as its my first,I am surprised they even made it this far, some of the leaves got burnt from the bulb from nutrient lock because of a whole ph problem they had 2 weeks back so the leaves look really bad on one of them but it was able to bounce back...
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    Ph is 5.4! D:

    Thx for the advice :) I feel stupid now.. the espoma lime I have is soluble, I didn't find that out until I tried to flush it lol, Ph levels are back to norm & I did a small flush on all of them but the one that wilted I am afriad mite not make it, It was already looking bad from the low ph and...
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    Ph is 5.4! D:

    I was bad, Really bad, I was gone for a few days, fed & watered them, when I came back one plant is almost completely wilted with brown spots everywhere and another is starting to wilt also. I did not check the ph for awhile & I knew I should have >.< I have espoma organic garden lime I like...
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    What do you use to kill spidermites?

    I read that spider mites can kill plants fairly quickly untreated, I want to be ready in case this ever happens, What product or self made product do you recommend that is effective at killing these monsters?
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    Its a male, 2 days later & it formed clusters, thx for the help its chopped up lol.
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    Is this a male?,Jgb9O5I#0
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    Leaves are shriveling away? & leaves turning color? Help :(

    Do u think worm castings would work good for the soil? I read they have enzymes.
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    Leaves are shriveling away? & leaves turning color? Help :(

    Thank you! This info is helpful :) Ebay has been my grow shop lol, The Hesi - Power Clean is cheap online but ill look into the AACT tea first & ill order some dolomite & look into getting mag/cal. Do you think the shriveling was from watering the leaves during lighting hours? Or from a...
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    Does baking soda prevent mold?

    I am a complete newb to this, 1st time grower. I was reading about powdery milder on plants & how I should spray the leaves down with baking soda once a week to prevent it. I would hate for my plants to get something bad like that or even worse mold D: How do you prevent your plants from getting...
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    Leaves are shriveling away? & leaves turning color? Help :(

    PH of soil is neutral, I water the plants with Filtered tap water from a well, I have 2 Mini dual spectrum lotus on the plants for both veg & flowering with a total of 19000 Lumens, I keep the lights 4 inches away from the plants & the lights on 20 hours & 4 hours off. The soil is just cheap...