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  1. bornpro!

    perfect cloning!!?

    hello rui iv been cloning for sometime time now nd i i usually get roots between a week ad 2 weeks mostly towards the 2 week end but is their thing i can do to spped up rooting in my clones i have heeting pads humidity domes i presoak in thrive alive b1 nd have been presoaking in b52 lately iv...
  2. bornpro!

    5wk Grapeape and Bagseed CFL Journal. SMARTPOTS! 12/12 starts tonight

    no i wouldnt worry at all they look nice the leaves are gonna get a lil ugly towards the end anyways.. if any thing i would start feeding twice a day. except i would i lower the amount of feeding so if its a gal a day i would do half in the morning or when the lights go on nd then the other half...
  3. bornpro!

    5wk Grapeape and Bagseed CFL Journal. SMARTPOTS! 12/12 starts tonight

    hey thats good price 4 nutes i wonder where get it!!lol they look really good. you should def. increase your nutes every week. nd dont 4get to flush that way you can hitem hard agian nd rember do lighten up on the nutes around week 6 nd i got some overdrive ill give ya 4 free. nd the overdrive...
  4. bornpro!

    need some input on 8 week strains

    a week finisher you mean literaly 1 week finish time that cant b right.. nd wb sounds really interesting is it easy to get that 6 week wb pheno.
  5. bornpro!

    need some input on 8 week strains

    hello riu people im currently in the process of starting my grow op again with 4 flower rooms nd i have plenty of strains to start with but i only want to use 8 week flowering finishing strains can anybody tell what they know to be true 8 week strains thnx for any input nd will b posting pics...
  6. bornpro!

    has any1 ever heard of purple snow and purple extacey

    just got some clones of these but never heard of them just wondering if anybody outt there riu land has heard of these of mayb has some that can shed some insight on these strains
  7. bornpro!

    hot do i replace the filters on my hydrologic stealth ro 200

    i have no idea how to replace these things i tried to twist them off but no luck does anybody know how to replace them the right way its a carbon and a sediment filter ill try to put pics up if ya have no idea of what im talking about
  8. bornpro!

    is it possible to clone roses bushes or any other type of plant (not cannabis)

    thnx 4 the input im gonna try and clone some japanese maples you think i can get them to root if i did it the same as trying to clone cannabis???
  9. bornpro!

    is it possible to clone roses bushes or any other type of plant (not cannabis)

    i was curious if it was possible to clone a rose off a rose bush nd in that note can you clone other plants nd if so what plants?