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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Kool @WazzaX , I was gunna buy 1 of them last year, I may buy that now
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Hey @Bl0nd3y , Hows the nursery coming along, Is all doing OK
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Hey @WazzaX , How is your girls going, Any bud porn for us to have a looksee
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    First grow - small setup - in need of help from experienced growers. - Medicinal

    Hey @LukesMeds , How did you go, Did your lights turn up. Also I was just thinking, I see you say you keep the cupboard door open, If you can, I would suggest you keep it closed especially on the 6 hour dark, You don't want any light at all hitting them in the dark phase, & if its not all...
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    First grow - small setup - in need of help from experienced growers. - Medicinal

    Haha, I knew you might be a local to the south, We had 4 seasons here just yesterday LOL. Any how, as for the Marshyrdro, I bought the 600watt with the Growth & Bloom switches, I found that with 1 switch on it only draws 180watt, If both are turned on, Draws about 350watt . I just have a small...
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    First grow - small setup - in need of help from experienced growers. - Medicinal

    Hi again Luke , I see you say you get 4 seasons in one day, You sound like you live on the south coast as like my self, That's what us locals say, Just reminded me of the locals here Yeah i have mine turn off at 10am & turn back on at 4pm , That's because the bedroom it is in is facing north &...
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    First grow - small setup - in need of help from experienced growers. - Medicinal

    Great to see a few more Aussie's on here, I will follow along as well LukesMeds
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Hi @LukesMeds , I will follow you as well, Love to see how you go as well, Cheers & good luck
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Hey @oilmaker68 , I'll back you, I think you deserve a free light, Write to them & send them this link, See what that say :)
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    You serious , You think I haven't read it, I have been following since the start, How about you, why don't you read it fool, Then you may understand
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Excuse me @TheYokel - You say you haven't been on the forums long, Yet you come & tell the others to start a new thread for Aussie's, this THREAD IS ABOUT THE Marshydro LED, & what ever else it intails , We have been following @oilmaker68 & @WazzaX since the start, So don't come in & tell us...
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Hi @TheYokel , There is No use of starting a new thread, The whole point of this thread that @oilmaker68 created is that we are using the same light, So there is no need for you to come in & say start a new thread, If you want to start a new thread you go do that, This thread is all about the...
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Hey @Bl0nd3y , I don't know about the oven, Or the bowl over it, The reason why I said to use cling wrap is so it stays moist inside & the warmth will keep the humidity under the cling wrap, You will see & gets droplets of water, Condensation builds up which is good, when I say warm, As long as...
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Hey @Bl0nd3y , Great to hear your almost there, I seen online how to pick a female seed from a male , Not sure if its true, I am giving that a go now, Here is a link - As for the 300W LED for $55 free shipping, That's a bargain. & yeah as for nutes, Each to their own, But see what works for...
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Yeah I think it wouldn't do any harm, Just chew more electricity, Marshydro sells their other one which are the exact same, But in black & NO switches, All specs are the same , Me thinks the 2 switches is good, But a gimmick
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    No yes wazza, That was my thoughts, But thought I would see what others think, P.S - I wasn't joking , Please share
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Man your smoko must be good, Can I have some
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    Marshydro Led grow...

    Just a thought to all using the Marshydro with the Growth & bloom buttons , Does any one have any theory's to why you couldn't use both switches at the same time in veg phase, When both switches are on, You then of course get the full spectrum going from the start & also the full wattage, which...
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    Marshydro Led grow...

  20. N

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Found this else where, Thanks to snoopy85, All credit to him, I think this is a great guide along with Pics, May help a few of us