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  1. SilentGreen21

    HELP Leave problem that i cannot solve

    I get that on 1 or 2 of my plants here and there out of the group. I have noticed that usually means I am lacking Calcium.
  2. SilentGreen21

    Dr. GreenThumbs "Bubba OG"

    Lol, whatever you say man. I had some seeds that I accidently created and left them in a jar for over an year in a drawer... Not in the refrigerator and 90% of my seeds sprouted just fine. If you have problems with one of the breeder's seeds don't bother wasting your money on that breeder.
  3. SilentGreen21

    Too crowded... Or not?

    I get an avg of 2 to 4 oz per plant under 600w depending on the strain. Currently I am growing GDP. Pretty good yielder. I used to do 9 plants under 1 light and I had so much work to do and didn't yield as much as I currently do. Less crowded that way.
  4. SilentGreen21

    Looking for advice

    Roots Organics Original, Fox Farm Ocean Forest are good soils to start with. I also like Pro-Mix which is soil less mix
  5. SilentGreen21

    Whats up peeps!!!

    Thanks buddy!! That was tricky watering the plants in the back. It was my first time scrogging. I hand water the back plants using the hydro tube (blue plastic tubing) and stick them onto the watering tank. When I pour It goes down the tube to the soil. If I was doing hydro then drippers are...
  6. SilentGreen21

    Whats up peeps!!!

    Yeah, they do turn solid purple in the last week. I have had the GDP for almost 2 years now. Can't wait to chop. I don't usually let my plants yellow out. First time using 5 gal rootmaker pots, so they needed higher nute regiment. By the time I noticed it was too late. I have been using 3.7...
  7. SilentGreen21

    Whats up peeps!!!

    Getting closer and closer!!!!!
  8. SilentGreen21

    what are the symptoms of a plant outgrowing its container?

    Man, like said before. Never transplant during flowering. The damaged leaves almost never turn back green. Just focus on the new growth and make sure that the new growth is green all the way through. It can take 2 or more weeks to notice the difference once you put in more nutrients. When you...
  9. SilentGreen21

    what are the symptoms of a plant outgrowing its container?

    What nutes are you using? NPK Value?
  10. SilentGreen21

    what are the symptoms of a plant outgrowing its container?

    Dude! you are using tap water and CAL-MAG? Your tap water is excellent, stop using the cal mag since the tap water already has it. I almost never use cal mag even I am using RO water with Dyna-gro line.
  11. SilentGreen21

    what are the symptoms of a plant outgrowing its container?

    Magnesium Def could make it yellow to. Are the yellowing coming from inside out? Your lights could be too close to the canopy too if only the top fan leaves are yellowing.
  12. SilentGreen21

    Looking for advice

    Once the roots pop out of the shell put them in the soil or rockwool/ rapid rooters right away before they become too long!!! 18/6-24/0 is fine you choose how you want to do it. When to put them in 12/12 is up to you really. Everyone is different. Some like to go straight to it some take 2...
  13. SilentGreen21

    what are the symptoms of a plant outgrowing its container?

    They look great!! You will always have yellowing leaves here and there as long as it is not the whole plant. Good Job making so many tops. Honestly the plants could grow much bigger in the 5 gallon smart pots. When you use air pots/smart pots you can grow the plants into size that a 7 gallon...
  14. SilentGreen21

    is this a good light to use?

    Not bad. I would suggest to spend 14 more dollars for the cool tube with hood!!! that would spread the light much better. I like to spend more from my hydro shop knowing I can go back if there are any issues. 5 year warranty so I can't really complain.
  15. SilentGreen21

    Got Busted!

    Move!!! They will come back for those plants when they are ready for sure and will ask for more money.
  16. SilentGreen21

    my first journal exodus cheese

    I like to flower at 15 inches tall. I keep using the grow nutes first 2 weeks of flower and then start adding bloom till I am 1 part grow and 3 parts bloom till harvest. You want to keep the plants green till harvest for better yield.
  17. SilentGreen21

    Whats up peeps!!!

    Thanks! Stay tuned for Harvest pictures in the next few days.
  18. SilentGreen21

    Whats up peeps!!!

    What do you guys think so far?
  19. SilentGreen21

    Leaves turning yellow

    You, are ok man. They look good over all. Few leaves here and there turning yellow is normal. Don't try to change anything drastically now that you are so far into flower.
  20. SilentGreen21

    don't tell me this bitch has balls

    Awesome, I am happy for ya. Its rare to find a real keeper in a pack of seeds. Some of them take hundreds of seeds to get the pheno they are looking for. I hope you got clones off of her??