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  1. C

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

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  2. C

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

    leaves are still continuing to get worse not normal still way to early to change.
  3. C

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

    ya , don't want it to look like the ugly one in the back of one of my last pictures and get a gram of it so no she will not be fine
  4. C

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

    fertilizing did nothing except make the leaves even yellower. if a leaf is deficient should it not change back to green and not yellow
  5. C

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

    just added a 15-30-15 mg 1/8 tsp. and will see in a couple days how she is doing also did a foliar spray of epson salt 1 tbls. per gallon
  6. C

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

    never had a chance to reduce before leaves yellowed. i fertilized up until two days before inducing flower 12/12 cycle. within three days of inducing flower the leaves started to change
  7. C

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

    still continuing to get worse at the rate it is going there will no leaves left when done added a 1/8 dose of mg 15-30-15 this morning will see in a day or so how it does
  8. C

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

    i feed her an 1/8 dose of mg 15-30-15 up until two days before i induce flower this seems to be the normal pattern for all my plants. the leaves turn yellow almost instantly because of the switch to 12/12. this one my be a watering problem because the plant seems to be to light every morning...
  9. C

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

    i grow marijuana from a clone plants seem to be healthy up until i induce them to flower and all the large fan leaves seem to turn yellow every time within the first week of flower what could be the problem.
  10. C

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

    i grow marijuana from a clone plants seem to be healthy up until i induce them to flower and all the large fan leaves seem to turn yellow every time within the first week of flower what could be the problem.
  11. C

    Yellow Dots on the leaves!

    bugs could not say what kind maybe spider mites had the same problem had to do a couple aplications of neem oil