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  1. Blazeon_

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I just went to check on my almost finished auto beauties and found sooo many centipedes or whatever it is. So I'm picking those fuckers with tweezers and killing them.
  2. Blazeon_

    Damping off or just bad LST?

    Update: After repoting to a freshly bought medium with added beneficial microbes she still didn't make it :( Total of 6 plants lost to damping off. I'm buying new soil and seeds and hopefully I'll have a good grow this year. Thank you all for your advices, you guys are amazing!
  3. Blazeon_

    Damping off or just bad LST?

    Well, I guess I got blinded by all the articles and videos about how the LST will maximize the yield and I screwed up majorly. Now I know what not to do next time.
  4. Blazeon_

    Damping off or just bad LST?

    Thanks for your reply. Do you think that the plant is even able to get nutritions through the thin part? The stem is also getting woody, not sure if it's good or bad though. And would it theoretically be possible to cut the plant above the injury and plant it again? Would it re-root? It's just a...
  5. Blazeon_

    Damping off or just bad LST?

    Thanks for your reply. I noticed some bugs crawling on the leaves and eggs under the leaves. I removed both. I always have to deal with these even though my plants are always isolated from every other plant in the garden. Last year I had a mite infestation on my Blue Dream but managed to save it...
  6. Blazeon_

    Damping off or just bad LST?

    Hey guys, quick question - as seen on the pictures, the stem got extremely thin but it doesn't seem that it will break anytime soon. Is it some sort of a fungus or did I just break it while trying to perfom LST. She's doing good otherwise, still growing, not showing any signs of dying. Just...
  7. Blazeon_

    Did my plants switch back to veg?

    So what can I do now? Is it all lost or should I wait more or chop it immediately? It's my first experience with autos so I'll be sure to learn from my mistakes this year.
  8. Blazeon_

    Did my plants switch back to veg?

    Hey, It's been 4 months from planting the seeds into soil, they are skunk autos (strain hunters seed bank) and they started flowering after 3 weeks of growing. I've been monitoring this situation for at least a month because it looks so weird. My question is if these plants somehow switched...