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  1. 8Rhizome8

    Electric Nettle Tea

    No, but I can take prints after the next rains bring a new flush.
  2. 8Rhizome8

    How much does genetics really matter for seeds? How much of it is a scam?

    No idea if this helps but I have to agree with Tolerance Break in that it’s all in what you’re looking for. Different people like different aspects of a high. Or no high at all in some cases. Somebody’s tasty old Mexican that exhibits a gentle high and body relaxation might be all that one...
  3. 8Rhizome8

    Electric Nettle Tea

    Hey’ya there, folks! Universal Rhizome here with a little hack to add to your next outdoor anaerobic stinging nettle tea. Mind you, this trick is exclusive to those with access to live mushrooms. I amn’t going to go into detail as to how to make an anaerobic(as opposed to aerated), stinging...
  4. 8Rhizome8

    Greetings from The West Side!

  5. 8Rhizome8

    Greetings from The West Side!

    Hey’ya there, my fellow cannabis enthusiasts! I am new to forum and have been sifting through the threads herein and I feel that I might have a few torques & tweaks that may contribute to the Greater of All. There is a wealth of information here and I wish to continue my own education. Glad to...