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  1. D

    best easy drip system off the shelf

    is there an easy to use drip system available off the shelf that you could recommend. I need something simple to handle 10 moms. really unsure what to use. thanks.
  2. D

    707 Seedbank - Hops latent warning

    fair is fair shabud.... Shabud gave me hops latent virus.... and russet mites. His hops killed my entire collection of genetics. Now he acts like nothing happened. Such a kind bro I just wanted to clear the air. Used to be a friend. Now I wouldn't touch anything of his with a ten foot...
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    The DISCORD thread!

    How did he clean the line? Genetically? or by his karma cleaning rezdogs?
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    The DISCORD thread!

    agreed it is a mess.
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    The DISCORD thread!

    karma wasn't using an original clone either... its his wack european version of sour d. hard pass on karma
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    707 SeedBank Genetics

    Im not sure. We'll find out. I've got a pack of potions in veg... super stinky stem rubs
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    707 SeedBank Genetics

    I've put his stuff into indoor rooms, outdoor, and humid greenhouses. never seen any problem
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    707 SeedBank Genetics

    Shabud is about to release his selections of 707 Kush and Potion D' Amour. Selected from 1000s of seeds. 2 phenos of 707 Kush. A Kush leaning plant and a plant that is a blend of og chem. Released through one of his friends with the intention of pushing out to the public. I don't know...
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    The DISCORD thread!

    welcome to the internet
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    The DISCORD thread!

    It is a good place to communicate. I personally prefer to take the private conversations into text or email.
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    Iso: subcool/ tga/the dank seeds

    Exactly. She was half the company and they settled out of court. She owns what she owns. The above info is bogus. She didn't steal anything. I don't like her but she didn't steal his stuff. I remembered when they split the seedlines... and lets be real. Subcool's been dead almost 4...
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    707 SeedBank Genetics

    707 is still crushing it. We love his stuff, our local farms we work with love his genetics and the product flys out of dispensaries. His gas strains are fucking killer.
  13. D

    Best Chem in seed form, one can actually get??

    I heard he did a small release recently that sold out but is currently doing a seed increase. It should be more around soon. I personally think the males from that line are perfect for amateur/learning seed makers.
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    Best Chem in seed form, one can actually get??

    the 707 chemdog is solid. based on chem 4. very floral perfumy gas. 28% thc. 4%+ on terps. .. if you have skills.
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    I talked to the owner on the phone of the competing site to strainly. I wont mention it.. just call it SC. The owner displayed more integrity on a 5 minute call than Ive ever seen the strainly owner exhibit. Strainly owner wont even answer basic questions.... take it for what its worth.
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    Iso: subcool/ tga/the dank seeds

    I think mzjill is making a few of the old things still.
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    Clone only strains

    the varigation in the leaves and the twisted leaves sure look like Motorbreath 15 when she is having issues.
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    707 SeedBank Genetics

    I've been growing his 707 Chem for a few years. I dig it. I've got Potion d'Amour, Blue Nectar and a few of his unrelease crossed at about 2 months veg. The potions smell amazing. The pic is my chem selection.
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    Your latest seed purchase?

    I found some great stuff in dynasty and relic gear. He is a good dude.
  20. D

    Your latest seed purchase?

    you dont see these too often. unicorn poop headbanger og 91 chem IX