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  1. M

    need help figuring out a weird issue I'm running into

    I am very sorry for steeling this thread, i just recent plucked the bad leaves off yesterday, this happened over night lights on, which is usually how it starts, gets progressively worse. Its hard for me to capture it on camera, and appears more noticeable with lights on
  2. M

    need help figuring out a weird issue I'm running into

    I am now doing 1/4 strength nutes with tap water( would should be balanced, but keeps spreading). I read something about rust fungus on one of these forums, i have been trying a foliar optic spray ( overgrow, has a small percentage of copper and sulfur). But the brown keeps spreading.
  3. M

    need help figuring out a weird issue I'm running into

    I have been plucking the bad leaves off, seems like the old growth seems to be affected, i left a couple leaves on with it, best picture i have at the moment, i do have older pictures
  4. M

    need help figuring out a weird issue I'm running into

    I have been watering in at 6.2-6.8, noticed my first brown spot at day 7 from sprouting, was using just plain RO water as a seedling, i then started full strength calmag, then i stopped with RO entirely and just use aged plain ph'd tap water(comes out at 350ppm). Day 30 now and i cant stop the...
  5. M

    need help figuring out a weird issue I'm running into

    What did you do to fix? I am having a similar issue with my auto flowers