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  1. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    Can't for at least a couple of years the new division of construction company were starting is taking off and should be able to make same money as I did with my store or more but I got monster bills to pay off that I the funds to keep the shop going. I don't wanna start bankruptcy and rather pay...
  2. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    Back in the day when Ken Hitchkock lived next door use to always get Blazers ticket but haven't been to a hockey game for ages.
  3. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    I grew up there from 84 to 1995 then moves to the coast. Been 11 days here and its like 1995 with 500x more homless. Not a good move, my cat got really sick and had to put him down and then all my camera gear got stolen lol in the same weekend.
  4. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    Yah with the borders closed my store collapse and bent broke trying to keep it running in 2021 and pay the bills at home. Starting a new company with a family member.
  5. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    Moved to Kamloops BC and there's weed stores everywhere here guess what I see when I drive by :crickets: well couple of times I saw one car pull away and employees standing outside... Also buddy of mine sent me an ad for a local hydro store for sale with property for $949K :confused...
  6. AquaTerra


    Smaller balls should be version 3 as people wanted smaller balls but then people started to complain about something else lol
  7. AquaTerra


    Yes part B is just calcium nitrite you can use any brand Calnit for the Part B
  8. AquaTerra


    Seems mostly products with Potassium and Phosphorous are the ones that jumped in price. Calcium nutriate went up a few dollars but not 100% like most.
  9. AquaTerra


    The balls is Calcium Nitrate, can't remove it for one part fertilizers. For the most part it should be 100% water soluble.
  10. AquaTerra


    If anyone is interesed I have about 13 bags of 11KG Part A $45/tax in + shipping in Canaada. Managed to to blow out 25 bags a few weeks ago and need it gone.
  11. AquaTerra

    Weed in Canada has ZERO value

    Getting to the point where guys who were still moving things a month or two ago are having hard time moving anything unloess you take it in the ass price wise. Talked to one customer yesterday that owned the store some money so he traded for green. He was still good a month or so ago but hasn't...
  12. AquaTerra

    Weed in Canada has ZERO value

    Ohhhh getting more brutal for my left over customers.
  13. AquaTerra

    Weed in Canada has ZERO value

    So going by the price list my main supplier just sent me and what another supplier also has charge me every thing with Potassium/Phosphorous base has increased 50-100% in Price. Calcium nitrate seems to have stayed the same.
  14. AquaTerra

    Weed in Canada has ZERO value

    Yah jacks was pretty cheap as 5-12-16 was about $75-80 for 11kg and if you just used the 321 mix all you needed was calcium nitrate and epsom salts. Plant Prod MJ in store was about $500 for the set (not including Spike) and did 3 crops on 20 lights. right now it'll be closer to $950ish which...
  15. AquaTerra

    Weed in Canada has ZERO value

    So had to pick up an online order for Jacks today and holly fuck 20-20-20 and 10-30-20 doubled in price! I thought Plant Prod jump was high but this is 100% increase. That's nuts...
  16. AquaTerra

    Weed in Canada has ZERO value

    People are about to have a new shockers soon. Just went to load up on some fertliazers I was short on and a few I needed for an order and holy fuck things went up in price from two weeks ago. MKP and Potassium Nitrate went up about $25+ per bag and Plant Prod MJ 15KG each mix went up at least...
  17. AquaTerra

    Weed in Canada has ZERO value

    I can't say for other parts of the world but the way weed was treated in Canada I don't think it will ever take off as a product that you can succesfually run a retail business on and make a living at least not if dont you have deep pockets to keep propping up your dispensary. I can see if OZ of...
  18. AquaTerra

    This forum is dead

    I don't know the full details but here's what legalization should be for regular people
  19. AquaTerra

    This forum is dead

    It is but they got a slap on the wrist. If you were a regular farmer and used pesticided off label (ie not certificed for your crop) you'd be some serious legal shit.
  20. AquaTerra

    This forum is dead

    Well LP's were the ones that got caught with Myclobutanil which was probably Nova 40W and other pesticides. The LP's are also lobbying the gov to allow Myclobutanil usage on cannabis crops. Pretty bad when Dow even released a letter saying don't use it on Cannabis because its turns into...