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  1. AquaTerra

    Bud Tenders

    Lowest paid positions on any job website (at least in BC) lol What happened to the 6billion dollar market? I know the ones that built it packed it up and went home. Also who the fuck came up with the word Bud Tender. Al Budy would have drove his Duster into the mall if they called him a Shoe...
  2. AquaTerra

    Canadian growers destroyed a record 425 million grams

    Wait till he/shes finds you how I extract the tomato sauce from freshly picked plants that grow in dirt hmmm fresh garden particles lol. The same equimpent that was developed by illegal growers just like the machine trimmers they use to trim that were invented b illegal growers and the growing...
  3. AquaTerra

    This forum is dead

    Took 8 weeks to get my first license back in 2011 took a year or so when I got another one in 2014ish. Man what time to be able to drive around with an lb of weed on my front seat lol
  4. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    Yah pretty rough getting things working again, went totally broke trying to keep the shop running hoping the lock downs end before all my customers stopped growing, not really looking forward to next two years trying to get back to what I had before COVID and repaying the crazy debts lol...
  5. AquaTerra

    Canadian growers destroyed a record 425 million grams

    Oh noooooo say it ain't soooooo "The Canada market has really developed very differently than we had initially expected," Judy Hong, chief financial officer, admitted on a call...
  6. AquaTerra

    This forum is dead

    Again comparing US to Canadian laws like its some interchangeable thing. Weed in Canada was more legal than it was illegal, before legalization I don't know anyone who got a DUI, a suspension or ticketedfor car smelling like weed or even having a lit joint when getting pulled over. Now its...
  7. AquaTerra

    This forum is dead

    The legal dispensaries here are dead when its $60/oz delivered lol Also why you comparing US to Canada?
  8. AquaTerra

    Canadian growers destroyed a record 425 million grams You know where the $200/lb came from lol
  9. AquaTerra

    This forum is dead

    Nah the decline at least in this section started 8-12 months ago, nothing to do with summer. Lots of lurkers lost too as they were customers at my store and now no longer growing.
  10. AquaTerra

    This forum is dead

    Crazy how this forum has slowed down.
  11. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    Yah them trying advertising to make it look like some healthy and hip lifestyle thing was hilarious.
  12. AquaTerra

    So many stores

  13. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    Its crazy how many there are here, what's funny is people I know here that still grow are selling OZ's at $60. . Even I was like wtf? $60! I try to keep it at $80 lol
  14. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    The borders closing and killing the black market showed us how small the domestic market really is. That 6 Billion market evaluation was actaully illegal export out of Canada lol not local consumption, also CERB ending and sales of gray market dwindling for a lot of people I know shows you...
  15. AquaTerra

    Somebodies still at it ...BIG TIME

    There's still lots being grown its just shifted from 80% mom and pop or joe average to more of "the other guys" lol There's still a few that grow 3LB per light with LED's and sell it for $500/lb
  16. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    Every 4 days I find another fucking weed store here in Kamloops, there has to be like 15 dispensaries here now lol all with crickets chirping in front of them. I don't wish anyone bad luck with their business but not when you get into a industry designed for the good ol boys club to get in first...
  17. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    Pretty much all weed companies, instead of delivering a better and cheaper than black product to the consumer, they all try to portray themselves as some hip and cool lifestyle brand at boutique mark up prices fucking hilarious. The majority of the dispensary store name are so fucking stupid...
  18. AquaTerra

    Weed in Canada has ZERO value

    Hydro store collapse has started in BC. A store with some deep pocket shot down this week and a friend in the industry when I told him abut it just told me there's 6 more stores went up for sale or closed this month in BC.
  19. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    I think there was an NHL strike early 2000's which made people realize how good WHL was and seems to have give it a big boost
  20. AquaTerra

    So many stores

    Actually today I hiked Cinnamon Ridge by the airport and was an awesome area so made thinking about staying here a little easier. Love the weathered desert mountain structures/hoodoos.