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  1. senorthc

    Nutrient burn or light stess? Last days of harvest

    Yeah man try dropping your light down to 50-75% and watch the leaves
  2. senorthc

    Deficiencies, First mag started, now calcium?

    Good looking plants thus far, I say pluck the leaves and watch the new growth. In regards to nutrients, I recommend keeping it simple and sticking to a proven and reliable brand/schedule GH Maxi series or Flora series.. head or lucas formula OR 1/2 strength from the label w/ calmag, silica...
  3. senorthc

    In need of GMO crosses

    damn good looking plants! If you haven't flipped yet, I would, especially if your not sure how much stretch to expect.
  4. senorthc

    In need of GMO crosses

    I've had some from the local dispo awhile ago and it was pretty good! got a 1/2 for 60, haven't been able to find it since
  5. senorthc

    In need of GMO crosses

    I'm following! Great looking plants last pic
  6. senorthc

    Popcorn Bucket

    That's pretty cool, I'm going to have a bit of popcorn nugs from this current run, so that and some rosin pressing!
  7. senorthc

    Popcorn Bucket

    that's an interesting idea, great for gifts and get togethers. Might start doing this
  8. senorthc

    Used sf4000 $200 worth it?

    imo yes, I have a sf2000 thats been great, and for that price I'd have to recommend, amazon has them $359 brand new. but I'd go off the history I had with said person.. edit $359 is w/ dimmable controller and evo diodes, I'm not sure if they made any older models with lower quality parts, I...
  9. senorthc

    A few tiny little holes in some leaves

    Could be wind burn or light burn when those leaves were sprouting, I’ve had this issue before on random leaves, and never saw pests, figured as long as it’s not happening to other leaves then I’m fine, just monitor.
  10. senorthc

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  11. senorthc

    Indoor greenhouse for clones

    I had also thought about installing a fan on the top, I have a pc fan that would work fine. as well as the problem of it not being sealed, but the area is clean and I’m not too concerned of pests, thanks for the info! That’s what I wanted to hear
  12. senorthc

    Florablend or floralicious plus for Dwc?

    That makes sense, thanks for the info, I’ve been debating on it vs continuing to shell out money for hydroguard.
  13. senorthc

    Florablend or floralicious plus for Dwc?

    Just in time for me! I've been curious on SAG but not sure on the dosing, I've read people using like 1ml/20gals.. I only run one 5 gallon bucket so I could assume the dose would be VERY small..
  14. senorthc

    How much longer

    I respect the experiment, Like stated previously, your bud is currently "ready" to harvest, its up to you whether you give it another week or so. it wouldn't be an issue if you did or did not. AS long as your trichomes are milky/amber your fine. And as others have stated, give it one more week...
  15. senorthc

    Indoor greenhouse for clones

    That's what I was thinking, may just snip two 4x4 squares and use some screen or mesh w/ db-sided velcro tape.
  16. senorthc

    Indoor greenhouse for clones

    No issues there, just some lucky bamboo im propagating and a few other smaller plants, no gnats and bug free
  17. senorthc

    Indoor greenhouse for clones

    No space inside the tents, I wish, would have already had it done. mainly wanted this for the living room, outside of the grow room. Since I usually only have 4-5 clones/seedlings at a time, it would give me a spot to put them, and make space inside a 2x4, and since its a "dual use" tent, not...
  18. senorthc

    Nutrient burn or light stess? Last days of harvest

    what is the size of your tent? if your tent is anything under a 5x5 and your cranking that 730w light to 100% for multiple hours, then yes its probably light burn. now if that is happening below the canopy and the top leaves look fine.. then probably nutrient burn,
  19. senorthc

    Indoor greenhouse for clones

    As the title suggests, I'm wanting to move my clones into their own tent to free up room in my veg tent. Now before someone suggests a propagation tent, yes I know, however the greenhouse tent would serve not just my cannabis, but other house plants. My question is, has anyone done or seen...