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  1. R


    Pretty much lmao
  2. R

    Ready yet?

    It’s probably way too late to start. You’re better off scrapping it and trying again with a lil more effort. Grow half ass weed you get half ass results.
  3. R

    Do the leaves look too dark or okay?

    id still at least feed them normally P and K just back off the N
  4. R

    Clear or milky?

    Kinda blurry but you can def still see the difference
  5. R

    Clear or milky?

    bro.. this is what cloudy trichs look like. I don’t see how you can’t tell if they’re clear or not..Just ask yourself do they look more like a glass of water or a glass of milk? Clear or milky. Lol
  6. R

    Only One wilted branch!!

    no need to be paranoid just check for signs every single day. If you’re not mindful youcan have an infestation that will devour your whole crop before it’s even ready to harvest.
  7. R

    First time grower

    What did you spray? Normally BT will do the trick late veg early flower when the moths start laying eggs. The baby catapillars die as soon as they eat that stuff. Indoors can be a lot more technical And just as complicated but in other aspects. but go for it! If you’re doing it indoors you don’t...
  8. R

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this leaf curl

    if I were you I’d do 2 or 1. 4 is way too high for flower.
  9. R

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    I feel like genetics matter more than nutrients in a sense. for the simple fact that you can’t take shitty genetics and pump it fill of top of the line nutes and get prime bud. Quality seems to be primarily gene based .
  10. R

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this leaf curl

    good call. Good luck man hopefully it’s not to late and she has time to correct with little sideeffect
  11. R

    First time grower

    After spending 2 weeks being out there for an hour every morning and evening I’ve removed and killed 50 or more of them between two plants.. even still finding some here and there.. if this is your problem. Next year definitely make sure to keep on top of your preventative maintenance. It’s so...
  12. R

    First time grower

    I don’t think weather is your main problem... That looks to me like signs of catapillars. Is there small black droppings around the buds? I think I see poop in one of the pictures If so you better get out there ASAP with tweezers and start looking for small catapillars. They can be tiny. Green...
  13. R

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this leaf curl

    mom not sure what that is lmao
  14. R

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this leaf curl

    you still can use N through flower and the plants still use N through flower. Just not as much as the veg stage. Normally flower nutes should be anywhere between 0 and no more than 2 on the N side. I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to taper off of N throughout the flower stage. What I do...
  15. R

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this leaf curl

    This is where I’m at produced from all organic nutes. Organic nutes aren’t as strong as far as ppm so you can feed more often and have a consistent nutrient uptake without having to always test your runoff or worry about over fertilizing. To say the least.. Organic nutes > synthetic All day
  16. R

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this leaf curl

    If I were you I’d do a solid flush and really back off of the N. People sleep on the organic nutes. Synthetic nutes I feel are completely over hyped. If you want quality weed, make sure you get plants with solid and pure genetics. Not some cones or seeds you got from the neighbor. and run...
  17. R

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this leaf curl

    Looking at your most recent pics I can tell you you need to back off the N and increase P & K. The dark green shiny leaves is an indicator of too much nitrogen.
  18. R

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this leaf curl

    I mean it could be a number of things. But my guess would be some type of deficiency. All most looks like possibly too much N. If you’re using anything with nitrogen higher than 2 through flower that’s probably your problem. Nitrogen is actually Initially toxic for plants in the flower stage.
  19. R

    Only One wilted branch!!

    If you ever see praying mantis around during your grow. Throw them in your plants and they will definitely help tremendously keep the unwelcome pest Problems to a minimum. And they will stick around up to the day you cut your plants down, especially if there’s a good supply of food. I had 3...
  20. R

    Only One wilted branch!!

    Another pointer that I learned from experience in terms of pests, specifically catapillars. Keep a close eye on your buds if you see any small black droppings anywhere, or browning of sections of a bud and sugar leaves. Or actually see a catapillar... remove and execute that son of a bitch ASAP...