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  1. R

    Poor man's indoor lights

    When I was researching no till, I came across this post from @Northwood Here is an example of your "poor man's led" in action. The general gist is, you can make lots of different things work, some better than others, but there are bare minimums you need to try to achieve regardless of...
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    Heater/IR and night?

    With plants reacting to different spectrum then we do (or can see), and IR being invisible light felt as heat. My concern is that the largest source of IR would be the sun, then after dark, I imagine the ground then emits some IR with lowering intensity as it cools. While I know many people use...
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    Where to find Gypsum in Canada

    Are you following a soil recipe specifically? Maybe someone on the board knows a substitute for what you are needing? And would Food Grade and Agricultural Grade be the same? If so, did you try the Health food, Beer and Wine making stores in your area? It was mentioned above, and sometimes...
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    Where to find Gypsum in Canada

    Maye, I'd still be worried about concectrated amounts in accumulating in the small volume of medium being used. Again, don't know much, but given the choice, I'd pick food grade before industrial is all. No argument, just caution.
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    Where to find Gypsum in Canada

    I'm talking out of my ass, but I do know there are glues and binders in drywall that probably aren't beneficial.
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    My unintentionally difficult return to growing - The Journal

    Thanks! I kept the nicest looking tops and threw the rest in the trash, it was crispy, and dying except for some of the very top colas. I'm on to better things now! (I hope!)
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    My unintentionally difficult return to growing - The Journal

    Round 2....Fight! So my plans were thrown off, due to Covid exposure, I've had to self isolate until December 1st. My cardboard box clones were growing into the T5's and starting to burn, Fungus Gnats have taken hold n the box, and because it is just a box, they have gotten loose into the...
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    My unintentionally difficult return to growing - The Journal

    Finally So I finally decided to cut down my silly FoxTail grow. Oddly in week 20 the top FoxTails started to frost up. Here is what they looked like before I cut them. I know they were all kinds of wrong, but I had time to kill while my cardboard grow box plants established. Also, I let my...
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    Heater/IR and night?

    I have a space heater, it is isn't the typical type where a resistor gets hot and you see it glowing, instead it is a black panel that just seems to radiate with no human visible indication it is hot. Not sure that matters for my question. Should I be concerned with the invisible spectrum this...
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    I just realized I know nothing. What even is this "soil" you speak of?

    Thank you so much for all of the great information. I was very interested to see different opinions and get linked to some expert material. I've already built what I hope to use as a good starting soil that I want to go no till with eventually. i think working back through this thread and...
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    I just realized I know nothing. What even is this "soil" you speak of?

    Is that sensor in addition to, or instead of the actual Blumat spike? It looks sort of like a spike, but I don't see the dripper. If it's just a sensor, do you just use it to know the Blumats are working, or for handwatering? I am planning on Blumats at some point, but this is the first I've...
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    I just realized I know nothing. What even is this "soil" you speak of?

    Question about the Blumats: Does the "dry out" period between waterings that is generally needed no longer matter? Do you need more aeration than normal perhaps? Wow a lot of good info here. I think I get the overall picture, and how the term seems to be used. This all came about for me when I...
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    I just realized I know nothing. What even is this "soil" you speak of?

    I knew I was gonna take shit for this post. I also do want to say, I understand that basic definition. I guess another way of putting it. If the soil outside forms over thousands of years from natural processes. At what point does a mixture of ingredients in an organic growers pot or bed become...
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    I just realized I know nothing. What even is this "soil" you speak of?

    When I recently started trying to put together a usable nutrient rich "soil" I realized that I don't know what soil is. I want to clear up my fundamental understanding on this so I can become more informed. I feel like I've got something basic completely wrong. If peat is peat, and coco is...
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    Wanting to start organics while in winter/isolation

    Thanks all! The products I sent my wife for have arrive, I have my vermicompost, more perlite, and I picked up a bag of happy frog for some ready to go nutrients. I wanted pumice/lava rock so it didn't break down, but I can't afford it right now. My goal is to mix enough soil to pot up the...
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    Wanting to start organics while in winter/isolation

    Would you mind talking highlevel about your soil/amedmant plan as you transition, or what you plan to use ratio-wise for a base-mix? The more I read, the more it seems like people favour peat because it is a well known and understod soil enhancer, and there are years of experience and soil...
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    Mosquito Bits/Dunks Canada Price/Source?

    Have you ordered from desertcart before? Seems like I could trust it, but I've never heard of it before.
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    Wanting to start organics while in winter/isolation

    Fixed my post above.
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    Wanting to start organics while in winter/isolation

    Thumb tapped my track pad over the post button prematurely. I would value your opinion, or links to any posts you may have already gone into detail on. I want to go no-till after this or next cycle like some of you, and if coco is going to throw me off for years to come I want to get off on the...
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    Wanting to start organics while in winter/isolation

    Thanks! @Northwood I'm sorry, I'm going to @ mention a couple people I've seen commenting with opinions I'd like to hear more on related to this. @PadawanWarrior you have mentioned you use peat, and I've been researching tonight and see other posts where you would suggest peat over coco in a...