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  1. G

    Greenhouse Gorilla Glue Auto

    Also was thinking about the best time to start adding some nutrients to the water. I was thinking around the 3 week mark. I have 3 bio bizz products (grow-bloom-top max). I’m thinking a low dose of bio bizz grow at week 3. Any advice welcome? Plants are gorilla glue autos in 30 litre pots grown...
  2. G

    Greenhouse Gorilla Glue Auto

    13 days since we broke the soil.
  3. G

    Greenhouse humidity

    Was thinking maybe leave one zip on the door half open and lift plastic up towards the bottom and see how that’s goes
  4. G

    Greenhouse humidity

    Thanks for the reply. That makes sense but would it also raise humidity as every time I check before and after the fan is on it always drops temps and raises humidity. I’m using a polythene greenhouse so was thinking to make my own vent top and bottom to air can escape. thanks
  5. G

    Greenhouse humidity

    Hi all I currently have a couple of autos in a greenhouse at around 10 days or so. All is well but have a quick question about the humidity. Humidity can range from 55% to 70% and I have recently installed a small oscillating fan and when this is on, humidity rises around the 80%+ mark. I was...
  6. G

    Greenhouse Gorilla Glue Auto

    Day 10/11. Greenhouse now has a small fan and 2 cheap hygrometer. Things are going slowly but surely. Should get a nice bit of growth in the next week or so. Pictures are before fan (65 humidity)and 20 mins after fan (81 humidity) Not sure about that humidity
  7. G

    Fast buds gorilla glue auto

    I’ve just started 2 gorilla glue autos. Outdoor in a greenhouse. Only 5 days in though. Good luck
  8. G

    Greenhouse Gorilla Glue Auto

    Hi Going to be growing 2 Gorilla glue Fem Autos from fast buds. Growing in a greenhouse in the uk alongside some legal tender- basil, mint, tomatoes strawberries etc etc . Growing in a small 1.5x1.5x 2m high polythene greenhouse. • 30 litre pots (massive) • John innes/ perlite mix...