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  1. Cloud Surfer

    How much CFM for a 4x4x6 veg tent?

    Not giving advice or my opinion, as I am merely a noob... but I was always under the impression that you only need to exchange the air in the tent once per minute as opposed to 3 times per? Just trying to gather as much info as I can, sorry for hijacking this thread.
  2. Cloud Surfer


    Best paint for it hands down is Benjamin Moores "Aura Bath & Spa" but it's not cheap, actually pretty damn expensive.
  3. Cloud Surfer

    Makeup air

    Never had the chimney cleaned/inspected. There's a natural wood fireplace in the living room, flue stays closed. The furnace exhaust appears to tie in to the chimney through/in the basement. I'm sure it uses a different cavity, because there's nothing to be seen when looking into the actual...
  4. Cloud Surfer

    Makeup air

    Guess I'll try a 6" with some type of furnace filter to help filter the outside air before entering the basement. The house is old so I'm sure some air would be drawn from other places which would be ok, but I don't want anything too restrictive to where it's pulling from the furnace exhaust...
  5. Cloud Surfer

    Blew my breaker, plug grounded?

    There's a product called "shake away" that works well. It's a deterrent that needs to be reapplied from time to time. I used to keep my nice car in a storage unit before I bought my house. One year the mice got in and ate one of the main electrical harnesses. Happened to be an $1100 part...
  6. Cloud Surfer

    Makeup air

    Thanks for the feedback getogrow & Bookush34. Not sure how to like your posts or I would. Guess I'll try connecting the fresh air intake in the larger room's window on the NE side of the basement allowing it to be somewhat conditioned before it hits the grow room on the SW side of the...
  7. Cloud Surfer

    Makeup air

    If you don't mind me asking, what state are you in? Do you have any problems with incoming air temps and heating/cooling the tent? I'm in Michigan so the winters get cold and the summers can get quite warm. Just a little worried that the constant uncondtioned air dumping into the basement...
  8. Cloud Surfer

    Makeup air

    This is the controller I have. My thoughts were this would be enough to control day/night temps and proper air exchange. Once proper temps were achieved the exhaust fan would idle at 37%, still bringing in some new air. For now I only have one Sun Systems 630lec. The plan was to go through...
  9. Cloud Surfer

    Makeup air

    I figured running a sealed room might be my only option. Unfortunately funds don't allow for a mini split at the moment. When you say use the room the tent is in as a lung room, what would this setup look like? Exhausting the heat and humidity from the tent back into the room the tent is in...
  10. Cloud Surfer

    Makeup air

    Just curious if anyone has had issues when exhausting from inside to outside? If so, what was your fix? Quick info: I have a 5x9 tent that I was planning to setup in my basement. The tent itself would be in a 10x25 room (separate from the rest of the basement). Ambient temps range anywhere...
  11. Cloud Surfer

    HVAC splits?

    I've installed numerous "head pressure control" units in order to allow the use of a/c in the winter. As Renfro stated, the fan on the condenser barely moves. If you go this route, I would seriously look into a heat strap to wrap around the compressor. That being said, I've never used them on...