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  1. Supernova951

    Seedling showing yellowing on first true leaves

    Update.. Things are looking fine now, think it just had a rough start with the seed shell husk having to be gently pried off.. Still a light green color but it's slowly getting back to normal :)
  2. Supernova951

    Translating talk, is it safe to do so or just BS

    Appreciate the comment, no doubt you know what you're talking about.
  3. Supernova951

    Translating talk, is it safe to do so or just BS

    Must check it out, thanks
  4. Supernova951

    Still struggling with spider mites

    Rosemery oil as well they apparently hate.. 2:1 ratio
  5. Supernova951

    Still struggling with spider mites

    You might be too late into your grow, I'm not sure thb, I've you've tried neem oil and other similar alternatives.. There's no harm trying organic stuff... Garlic ginger, lemon and peppermint/mint spray.. Just boil up ingredients and strain into spray bottle. Genuinely hope you manage the little...
  6. Supernova951

    Translating talk, is it safe to do so or just BS

    This is more of a rant, but I would highly interested to here different people's experiences when it comes to transplanting autoflower strains. It's well noted amongst the cannabis and particularly the autoflower community. Im a relatively new grower and my first time growing I started out in...
  7. Supernova951

    Seedling showing yellowing on first true leaves

    Yeah.. I've isolated it in the corner of my tent for the moment and heightened the light as well see if it does anything.. Hopefully it'll be fine
  8. Supernova951

    Seedling showing yellowing on first true leaves

    Hey guys, just wondering if anyone could help me or give some advice.. I have tried researching on Google, but none of the answers or relative information seem to fit my problem, all beans popped at the same except one, had the seed husk stuck so had to gently take it off.. I have Ideal temps...