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  1. Kdoggy

    Male or female plant?

    Way too early
  2. Kdoggy

    Female or male?

    And wrong wrong wrong damit dont give bad advice
  3. Kdoggy

    Female or male?

    I was just going to say dont know man dont chop it!!! Way to early to decide i wonder how many ladies died to incorrect its male posts on here lol.
  4. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    Lol i was thinking how does a guy read that thing haha
  5. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    So your comment is pointless
  6. Kdoggy

    Recommend a good side light....

    I like 5500 k photography cfls or 6400k phillips both seem to produce great lower nugs and trich production on the lowere 12”
  7. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    Unfortunately a war changes how people think your assumptions are based on the present world. Lots of countries are getting nukes and war is coming and it dont matter whos in power at that point just hopefully a great leader of the free world.
  8. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    What watch is that?
  9. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    Yay your back with great points and a great attitude glad your back rudy your deff a real treat to any conversation :)
  10. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    Is that jon daly?
  11. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    Hahah ewww omg i hope thats another of your photoshop jobs haha
  12. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    Its sad were peons and they like to divide us along party race and religion lines so we dont bring them to the guillotine.
  13. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    Biden or who hes deff in the bed shitter age group?
  14. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    Im canadian i have no “boy” or whatever your implying who stinky is. Trudeau should be impeached twice but he prorogues parliament when he gets caught in the cookie jar lol i couldnt care less for the idiots controlling the uneducated in merica tbh you guys vote these guys in then bitch and vote...
  15. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    I know but as long as you can see no politician is honest then were on the same page. They got to the top by lying cheating and stealing.
  16. Kdoggy

    Recommend a good side light....

    No because price point goes up thats why they dont do it.
  17. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    Yes i trash both side all deplorable
  18. Kdoggy

    Push to impeach Biden after election

    Ya nice photo shop its 3 white women in the original pic fyi he admitted to it being a mistake of bad taste lol