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  1. Jujubejohnny

    How close are they?

    I think you have budrot
  2. Jujubejohnny

    Bud rot , potassium bicarbonate

    Thanks! I removed infected buds. The problem is I have 80-100% humidity in the night and dew all night until sun starts. Luckily no rain next two weeks, but the humidity is horrible... I can not decrease humidity unfortunately unless I control the weather patterns :D:D I wish I could for some weeks
  3. Jujubejohnny


    Great advice. I do a lot of gardening and worry often about my trees & plants (:
  4. Jujubejohnny


    I will go the middleway.. see what happens this week :))))) since its going to be rainfreeeeeeee
  5. Jujubejohnny


    Now that I know the climate, I will get seeds that finish mid september latest.. Anyone has good suggestions?
  6. Jujubejohnny


    Thanks I hope at least there is some in the end.. I want to make oil and smoke a bit. I havent smoked for 1,5 year and would really love some homegrown once in a while in the cosy warm oven winter nights :):) The problem I have is not rain, it rained today though, but the next two weeks zero...
  7. Jujubejohnny


    I think I have budrot :((((((((((( But I only sprayed once 4 days ago. Should I spray every morning? Even if it is cloudy all day?
  8. Jujubejohnny

    Bud rot , potassium bicarbonate

    I am a newbie grower. This morning I saw some purple/brownish sugar leaves, i pulled them and they came right off. This was on two different buds. This is probably bud rot? It is raining now, so can´t take picture until the afternoon. Luckily the next two weeks are going to be rain free, but...
  9. Jujubejohnny

    Win a pack of 5 Super Kush from Phoenix Seeds

    Super Kush can you please be my bush? Aim high and let it be an ambush, my sweet puss I would love autoflower!! :)
  10. Jujubejohnny

    Growing autos in a greenhouse in winter

    Is this possible and will the yield be the same? Where I live, the lowest temperature will be low 20s outside the greenhouse. The inside of my greenhouse will never freeze and go below 32f. Any tips , tricks or which strains to choose? :weed::hump:
  11. Jujubejohnny

    What is justice?

    Justice is an illusory imaginative feeling that fades away eventually. Most "justice" are based on future/past which in reality does not exist, but for you it feel like it does. Kind of like when you remember an experience as a child (pleasant/unpleasant) and you really feel and experience it...
  12. Jujubejohnny

    Outdoor to Indoor Flowering Plant

    Get some random plastic or a big bottle and make a mini greenhouse. A 15 min diy project, then it can be outside without rain, but with maximum solar absorption!! :)
  13. Jujubejohnny

    Outdoor to Indoor Flowering Plant

    Just take it in when it rains and put it out when it stops :)
  14. Jujubejohnny


    And how long can you store the tea, if you only use some at a time? :lol:
  15. Jujubejohnny


    Great my friend, thank you so much. I have 6 aloe plants , so thats awesome. Do you spray after a rain or before? I saw many threads saying you need a "sticker" (like dish soap or something to make it stick) but I am afraid its going to hurt the buds. And I really want to spray the buds, since...
  16. Jujubejohnny


    Sounds amazing !! Do you spray buds too? I am in 5 week flower and worried about budrot etc :) I only have dried horsetail, that should work too right? You have recipe and how much should I dilute with water? Thanks!
  17. Jujubejohnny

    Yield x 9 feet plant?

    If those are 9 feet , you must be 4 feet tall? Are you a modern Gimli :D:D:D:D
  18. Jujubejohnny

    Yield x 9 feet plant?

    11 pounds easily
  19. Jujubejohnny


    Mjello fellas I would like to prevent PM & budrot, so I just bought potassium bicarbonate , but it will first arrive in two weeks. The weather is going to be very ominous and I was wondering about horsetail. I have horsetail...
  20. Jujubejohnny

    security concern : A friends divorce

    Good old Merican stories :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D