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  1. E

    What causes this problem in cannabis plants??? (PICS)

    Right now I'm feeding Jacks Classic 20-20-20 3/4 teaspoon per gallon of tap water and 1/4 teaspoon of Flower Fuel 2-34-32. Since the buds have set the transpiration rate has increased dramatically so I'm having to water about every three days. The plants are in 3gal pots. I don't know the EC.
  2. E

    How far along is it roughly? I made the mistake of not counting days.

    Looks about 21-28 days in to flower to me.
  3. E

    Where can I hang my weed to dry?

    What I do is string a clothesline across the room or area I wish to dry in. Then I hang the stems/stalks with the trimmed buds still attached upside down using cloths pins. Although I've never tried it outdoors or in a out-building, as long as it wasn't raining or damp I think it would probably...
  4. E

    What causes this problem in cannabis plants??? (PICS)

    The plants are just 21 days into flower and many of the top leaves are already just lousy with this stuff. When I grow I have no problems whatsoever in the vegetative stage. The plants are lush, green, thriving no problems. But every single grow I have done in the last four years when I flip...
  5. E

    How much should I feed 'em?

    (If you're not familiar with my epic saga trying to keep my plants alive during flower you can read about it here: ) I'm going to do a complete flush and feed...
  6. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    This is absolutely fascinating...this Mulder's chart. I had no idea all the nutrients were all interconnected like that, especially the micro nutes. So if I'm reading this right, an excess (abundance) of nitrogen (N) will cause an antagonist (lock out) of copper and boron, but will cause a...
  7. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    I must be reverse-insane then because I try DIFFERENT things to fix the problem every grow, yet get the SAME results!
  8. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    I'm not a shrink so idk. What does psychology have to do with plants anyway? They have no brain or nervous system, thus no psyche. I will say suffering continuous low-mid grade pain for four years straight because some fracking plants won't bloom properly is for sure driving me to the brink of...
  9. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    But I don't really have any of the symptoms listed in that description: 1. Upper leaves develop yellow veins: No 2. Leaf tips will show signs of "burn": No. The whole leaf burns up not just the tip. 3. Will look similar to cal/Mag and other micro nute problems: I don't know. 4. New Leaves Grow...
  10. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    So the virus is causing a "lockout"? What is that, I thought that was like workers going on strike or something??? I don't think I'm overfeeding. I'm feeding the recommended dose on the instructions except for the last watering, where I gave 1x N 2x P 1x K because the buds were starting to set...
  11. E

    Help plz Sorry I can't tell the sex so I pulled these!

    Your thumbnails are too small to read the sex. Try clicking "Full Image" after you upload the picture but before you post, then it inserts a real pic.
  12. E

    Spider Mites During Flower! HELP!

    I had 'em about seven years ago. Here's what I did to (finally) get rid of them... 1. Remove the plants from the grow area and clean and disinfect EVERY SINGLE THING (except for the lights). 2. Spray neem oil to runoff, wait three days. 3. Spray insecticide soap to runoff, wait three days. 4...
  13. E

    wilting after transplant

    This happens to me all the time (a slight wilt/droop after transplant). When I transplant and water, it's like the plants go into a mild shock for 12-24 hours. The next day/light cycle they're fine.
  14. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    I just found this picture on the net. This is almost the EXACT way my leaves die. However, this picture was in an article about a phosphorus (ie the "P" in NPK) deficiency, which I know I don't have because I fed 2x the amount of phosphorus (P) last watering because buds were starting to show...
  15. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    YET ANOTHER DISASTER IN THE MAKING (Pictures attached) My most recent grow is shaping up to be the worst one yet in four years, despite me putting in all new lights, better ventilation, better temp regulation and using every insecticide, aracnicide and fungicide under the planet. I'm only...
  16. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    How do you put new genetics into a plant? Are you talking about grafting? Or pollinating them with a male or something like that? Thanks.
  17. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    When this first started one of my first thoughts was genetic drift. However, I thought if that was the case it would manifest as a gradual weakening of the crop and reduction of yield over months to years, instead of the sudden fall off a cliff from near perfect grows every time to near death...
  18. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    Correct. Clones of clones. My current mother is a 9x clone of the original mother, meaning the 2x mother was a direct clone of the original, the 3x was a direct clone of the 2x and so on.
  19. E

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Almost three straight YEARS of total crop failure. Should I nuke the grow-op?

    Thank you for your sympathies. That's exactly what it's like too. Imagine getting up tomorrow morning and realizing you forgot how to walk. Your one foot in front of the other method that worked all your life now results in nothing but a faceplant...into dogshhh. That's what this feels like...