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  1. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Wait wait wait, I think I have a handle on this. How you doin?
  2. _Outdoorsman_

    I miss some of the old members who dont come around

    @bu$hleaguer .. or however you spell that..
  3. _Outdoorsman_

    People have big mouths, loose lips sink ships

    Thank you for summing that up didn't want to read all that shit
  4. _Outdoorsman_

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Pussy Oh wait no, vagina
  5. _Outdoorsman_

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Ok who wants to arm wrestle?
  6. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

  7. _Outdoorsman_


    Dude I might be the same way
  8. _Outdoorsman_


    High five bro
  9. _Outdoorsman_


    @cannabineer I was going to score some Lucy and go to the planetarium if you wanted to join, or we can just burn beer boxes in the back yard and stare at Scorpio like I did last night. Your choice
  10. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Can't find the remote. Any retired cop dogs that are in to that?
  11. _Outdoorsman_

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    You just blew my fucking mind
  12. _Outdoorsman_

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Stop being so polite, it's almost annoying. Just be childish and weird like the rest of us. You are vet'd ass far i heimen concerned
  13. _Outdoorsman_

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Hey! Fuck you I slept 5 hours. Although it was alcohol induced, still counts
  14. _Outdoorsman_

    What are you watching?

    Yeah it's not bad
  15. _Outdoorsman_

    Dreams Dreams and more Dreams

    Fuck the bears, even though I'm wearing a Jared Allen jersey. He lost all respect after switching teams. Is he still playing?
  16. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Because of my enormous erection? That is standard
  17. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Wish my desktop didn't take a a shit. Smartphones suck dick
  18. _Outdoorsman_

    Dreams Dreams and more Dreams

    Week ago was held at gun point to run across a football sized field, lions and tigers on chains every 10 yards each side. I made it but was clawed to shit. The other night was hunting and fishing with family and friends, etc, was a good one
  19. _Outdoorsman_

    Picture of your pet thread !!!

    There's a beefy cake. Wanna give em a face massage and some belly rubs. Pits get a bad reputation. No such thing as a bad dog, just bad dog owners
  20. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Cum again?