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  1. K


    Looks great.
  2. K

    What strain gave your biggest yield of dank?

    I like asking breaders about there strains for they should know there lines best.Tell the breader what your looking for and that should help you out.The breader will help you out best.jmo
  3. K

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    That should help sales pick up 4em.
  4. K

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Man there Both telling the know they would not lie just ask around.Wishing every one the best and hope your alls grows turn out great.
  5. K

    Chuckers paradise......

    hey I will take two of that
  6. K

    Disappointed with Breeders.

    With out good potency you have NOTHING in my book.
  7. K

    Disappointed with Breeders.

    love that true,,,I would buy that.
  8. K

    Disappointed with Breeders.

    Lots of them cups are bought and payed for.imhp
  9. K

    Disappointed with Breeders.

    that's just what a worked line looks like at least 90 percent.all the same as it was in the old days.
  10. K

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    befor Michigan went legal many pounds of my outdoor went to Michigan,detroit
  11. K

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    I been smoking for over 50 years,send some of that killer indoor you claim to have to
  12. K

    Why hate sellers?

    Got the munches knight all.
  13. K

    Why hate sellers?

    I have friends also on both sides of the street,good people treat them wright and you will be treated as family..
  14. K

    Chuckers paradise......

    Looks good to me.good luck.
  15. K

    Why hate sellers?

    they been AND ARE STILL people in calie still doing hard time for growing,dont kid your sealf MONEY is the thing that keeps you out of being behind bars there IF YOU KNOW THE WRIGHT PEOPLE to offer that cash to{I DONT}.its like that in every state.JMO.
  16. K

    Why hate sellers?

    that would not happen in ky,hear they would probley give you 1-3 if its your first.dont even wount to talk about getting cought moor then 1 should be legal here befor much longer,its not going to be legal till they figer out who gets rich in office first,dam truth its all about the money...
  17. K

    Chuckers paradise......

    need a lol
  18. K

    open show an tell 19

    helthy plants that will be giants at harvest good luck and happy growing to some moor as time gos on for I love looking a good out door grows as yours are.
  19. K

    open show an tell 19

    You letting the clover grow to be organic IN NITROUGEN? Will that slow down your air flow? I never did do that on purpous but I see lots of grower doing that and I was just woundering if the clover helps much was all.
  20. K

    Any tips welcome

    pull it up and cut the roots off and just throue it away and that will fix your male problem,