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  1. I

    So who has the "winning" dispensary business model and what is it?

    No business model is currently legal which involves sales to a patient that came in off the street. For now, keep your head down and fight for our rights as patients as caregivers until the law changes.
  2. I

    Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

    Day 43 After reading the pH of 5.8 and ppm at 800 yesterday, I was really thinking about the yellow leaves that had not apparently gotten any better. A quick look at the nutrient deficiency/toxicity chart tells me that she isnt getting enough magnesium. Looking at the rest of my plants, some...
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    Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

    Day 41: Walker kush requires water daily now. The swelling is starting to get pretty intense, and the frost is really starting to shine. A few more orange pistils in this shot. I mixed a new batch of nutrient mix. This time it is 800ppm solid. I fed WK with a PPM read of 1120 and pH of 5.7...
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    Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

    Day 38 So its been a little over a week since my last update. Since then, the walker kush was burned with nutrients. I was so concerned with the pH that I neglected to keep an eye on nutrient runoff. When I noticed yellowing starting, I thought it was still pH. Turns out that the nutrient...
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    Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

    Ha, thanks morgy. Theyre T5 Fluorescent aquarium lamps designed to maximize the blue and red spectrum.. as a result, it looks similar to the purple hue of LEDs
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    Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

    Day 30 Today I transplanted the Alaskan lemons into the 7 gallon containers and put them in the other side of the flower tent. They arent as big as I would like them to be, but from what I remember they stretch quite a bit. I dropped the screen and the light a little bit, the light is 25" away...
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    Taking the concept of 'supersoil' and trying out a 'supercoco' mix

    My goal was to provide enough fast and slow releasing NPK nutrients and enough myco, trace elements, microbes, and buffer to really get it going. After looking at my formula, you are right, I am missing a solid potassium source. The kelp meal will do just that. Im adding that in as 10 cups to...
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    Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

    Day 29 Everything is going well. The stretch has completely stopped with the walker kush, everything has been defoliated as much as its going to be. Should be looking at some very beautiful fat colas around harvest. I got a close up today right before they woke up, check it out
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    Taking the concept of 'supersoil' and trying out a 'supercoco' mix

    Hey sky, thanks for the like. Anyone have any insight about the ratios of the amendments?
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    Taking the concept of 'supersoil' and trying out a 'supercoco' mix

    There is no formula on the bag but it can be found here: It is not quite out yet. The other product is Botanicare slacker, available at $32 per 1.5cubic feet. My mix that I sourced via amazon and my local grow shop, will run just a little over...
  11. I

    Taking the concept of 'supersoil' and trying out a 'supercoco' mix

    Hey guys. I saw a coco product that is just coming out but dont want to pay the $42 price tag per bag, nor the $32 of the botanicare organic blend. I want to pay less than $20 per 1.5 cubic feet of medium which has enough organic nutrients to start from a seed or rooted clone and last 3.5...
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    Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

    Day 27 Checked the pH of the nutrient mix and its reading 6.9 . WTF!? I guess the protekt takes longer to finish buffering than I thought. Mixed in some pH down and it dropped all the way to 4.5. I decided not to do anything with it just yet. Im gonna run this mix through the vegging plants and...
  13. I

    Great news to report - Spider mites officially under control!

    I have, its no fun task. I would rather have equipment breakdown or malfunction (and it has) over dealing with bugs. I transplanted my teenaged ladies into their final 7gallon pots on my last grow using Fox Farm Ocean Forest instead what I had been using, which was sunshine #4 with added perlite...
  14. I

    Great news to report - Spider mites officially under control!

    I thought the same thing.. your bud is prolly gonna taste like chemical residue.. Spray should be a preventative measure, not an aggressive treatment during flower. Spray half way through the veg phase and just before going into flower. Once the buds start forming, the taste of whatever you...
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    Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

    Day 25 The yellowing hasnt gotten worse, but it hasnt gotten better either. The stretch seems to be slowing down, the canopy is full, and I am currently refraining from defoilation to see if the middle of the screen stretches any further. I fed her again today, checking the runoff pH is 6.3...
  16. I

    Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

    I noticed a little more yellowing today after leeching from yesterday. pH reads 6.0 on runoff, a little high, but not enough to really cause lockout. I emptied the remainder of the nutrient tank and refilled it partially with RO water. I added the protekt, then continued to fill untl about half...
  17. I

    Did anybody else know DEHUMIDIFIER'S are F'Ing expsensive?

    I hear you on the price of these things. Then again, most grow room equipment isn't really cheap to begin with. Do your product research (amazon is great for this) and find something that will best suit your needs. I got my Frigidaire 70pt dehmumid on 12 April from amazon, overnighted via...
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    Talus' First Coco/Hydro run with Walker Kush & Alaskan Lemon

    Switched out the automatic shutoff valve, everything appears to be functional. Pumped 30 gallons into the RO water holding tank last night. Emptied, then refilled the nutrient tank with about 30 gallons of fresh RO water today. pH buffered to 5.0 to counter the aggressive pH neutralizing...
  19. I

    For people that are really interested in 'just add water' organics..

    I didnt know Botanicare had such a product. I looked into this and will be giving them both a shot when my next harvest cycle starts.