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    Live Chat Problemn

    Having this same issue. Just times out trying to connect for me.. [00:39] Connecting... [00:39] Unable to connect to : currently trying to connect to [00:39] Unable to connect : : Connection timed out: connect [00:39] Connecting...
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    Help Cooling a basement grow!!!

    If you use a mini split, you will also have to invest into a dehumid which also puts out heat and takes up juice. Even for a basic set up going with a mini split you will need about $1000. Using a flexible duct for the exhaust on the dual hose unit pushing thru a carbon filter (I use square cut...
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    AC Questions

    His idea of exhausting a portable unit through a carbon filter would work I think. Find some proper fittings with hose clamps, or if none are available simply duct tape the hell out of it so none of the heat exhausts back into the room. My bet is if you ran the hose through a length of flexible...
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    Making sure I have the correct electrical

    Any additional thoughts?
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    Making sure I have the correct electrical

    I will be using 4x Quantum BadBoy T5 8 lamp fixtures. Each fixture at full load is rated at 5amps. The 4x 6" Air King clip-on fans (which will be daisy chained to the BadBoys) pull .2amps each on high setting. Thats 20.8amps, calculated at 24amps for initial firing of the lamps. This set up will...
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    Making sure I have the correct electrical

    To clarify, the Titan panel is a direct feed to the fuse panel. There is a cord that plugs into the growtronix outlet to act as a switch, not a power source.
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    Making sure I have the correct electrical

    I created a wiring diagram to better assist with what Im talking about. I did some research, came up with this. Any comments or problems?
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    New Dispensary Bill HB 5580

    The law as proposed does not provide for that. It will eliminate any growing in a residential building. Who are you or anyone else to say what I can and cannot do inside of my own home?
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    New Dispensary Bill HB 5580

    I read thru it and came to pretty much the same conclusion. This bill is basically saying that its state law to allow medical cultivation at a non residential location (aparrently, people in severe pain who have already racked up hospital bills can afford rent/utilities somewhere else including...
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    HUD Housing - Potential Problems?

    I work two jobs and pull ~1500 net a month. In my area, housing is not cheap and neither is electricity. For a decent two bedroom apt its about 650/mo plus utilities and you get a ragged place with pissy landlords. Electricity is about $0.20/kWh throughout the city. Smaller, decent 2 bedroom...
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    Heh. You have some learning to do with mushrooms poly. Time for a bong rip and my thinking cap for a recap of 3 years of mush growing.. Why only 8oz and 12oz jars? I use quarts all day. Some people complain of mold and slow growth. Multiple spore injection spots using about 2cc per quart jar...
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    yeah I figured 10-12" away was good enough and I was right. I still dont have enough UVB, but this isnt the time to fret about that with very tight money restrictions at this point. Just put my name on a few housing applications. Time to get the ball rolling in that court. Ill be picking up a...
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Petflora, for UVB you definitely want minute quantities (he is doing the 5.0) or you will be getting premature maturation of buds. I found a lot of different reports on UVB usage and decided to try for myself. Im using 2x reptiglo 10.0 24w CFLs about 10-12" away from my plants. Theyre on a...
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    lol gourmet rosemary hash? I used to use dish soap along the outer foundation of my moms house out in the country to get rid of tiny pests and ants except in a much higher concentration. Worked very well. The rosemary disorients them and the soap burns them, an effective double whammy.
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    I wasnt aware You were walking about UVL. I think the aqua life 420/460 is the way to go for blue and the florasun for red, maybe a red sun here and there instead of a flora. I still want to see the 660 SPD and the fiji purple SPD when altar gets it to Jeff.
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Poly, do you have the spectral graph for the 10k aqua sun? Id like to see it
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Pepper juice? Idk if id want that around my ladies. Ive found that 1/2 tsp rosemary oil per gallon of water with literally a tiny DROP of dish soap as a spray works wonders for mites. I sprayed once, waited three days, did it again. I now have zero mites and havent had a problem since.
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Thread police.. wwhaaaambulance eta 5 min
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Better deal on 4x8x6.5: 179.95 shipped to your door. Relatively quick shipping too. I use this tent and love it. Ill be getting another eventually.
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    moving troops, why are we so war oriented

    This is the starting tactic for the initiation of war with Iran. Sending more troops to that general area. Russia has already said that if Iran is attacked, Russia will be stepping in. More than likely, China will be calling for ALL of the debt that we owe them if we war with Iran, and also...