your a bad bad seed pushin man :wall:.
Hopefully it won't sell out while my funds finish transferring to bitCoin. I would say with customer service AND selection like this... I know a certain competing single seed seller that is in deep sh#t.
Grats L you just stole all my single seed business...
the situation is not funny
however the humor, elephant, is spectacular.
I just want to say that we should accept the occasional bust packets from even the best breeders from time to time. I am amazed at my percentages and often cull because something else is better, not because something isn't...
My Midweek Song order arrived safe and sound complete. Happy with the hazeman madness in place of nepal highland that was out of stock.
Great job L :clap: ; now break open a pack of Bodhi Dream Beaver so there is more than one single seed available and I will make another purchase :rolleyes:
I have placed an order and received an email in less than 10 hours informing me of a stocking mistake and options (more than one) to resolve it's effect on my order. That is a first in customer service for me from a seedbank, if this stuff arrives safely, I'm on board for repeat purchases...
The odor is still changing; shoe polish is almost gone and banana fumes are fading behind Spicy wood which is taking over. no pineapple or skunk here at all at any time during the flower cycle.
Bodhi Love Triangle, and Dank Sinatra, and Apollo 11
Ace Laos Prabang, and viet black x thai
Cannabiogen Nepali highland
skunk#1, ata tundra, and junglewreck as freebies
So you are saying an OAK can disrupt an unnatural, soil detrimental, non live soil, monoculture crop (lawngrass), and prevent it from overtaking nature, even when man intervenes to assist.
Told ya it was magical :mrgreen:
Hands down Oak leaves cannot be beat. You can actually get away with using oak all by itself without layering N and C it is so complete compared to other leaf material.
I believe Quercetin may be beneficial for cannabis soil.
The more you bathe them the more they smell; Dogs arent meant for baths, they need those disgusting oils that are on their skin. The pit prolly smells worse because when he licks he plants that moisture through his short hair onto his skin whereas your husky's lickins wick off the fur. Lick the...