Ok. I’m already aware of that study. Ive been aware since it was first published. Keep up.My stepdad nearly died after receiving the Pfizer vaccine and my aunt became severely ill after she got the Pfizer vaccine. See? I can do the anecdotes as well. I had covid already and did not become...
All I did was post the latest study on the matter. Everything else you stated is what you’ve been preprogrammed to believe. Lol if you have a valid up-to-date study that proves otherwise then please present it.
Im not defending anything. I don’t want ivermectin either. I’m just saying you clearly have been propagandized to think a certain way. You’ve been programmed. And now wanting me to look at your conspiracy theorist propaganda thread? No thanks.
Lmao okay. “Bust up our capital”. How much damage did those red hats do as opposed to the BLM blue hat riots? How many people were killed at the capital as opposed to the blue hat riots? You’re in a blue hat cult. It’s hilarious that you can’t even comprehend that. Just like the Trumpers are in...
You mean ivermectin that has been used in humans for 35 years and over 4 billion doses have been administered? There is a distinction to be made between the horse dewormer and ivermectin made for human use. It seems people don’t know how to make that distinction though.
I don’t know what Fox and whatever the hell those other two are have to do with anything? Fox is pushing the vaccines as well. As is Trump. Oh right? You must be stuck in the two party illusion. Red hats bad, blue hats good right? Bummer.
You’ve been convinced by mainstream propaganda that anybody who thinks for themselves has been radicalized. Mass psychosis. The vast majority of the people studying them are funded by vaccine propagandists.
My son got a vaccine injury and that is when I started researching vaccines. It has been 6 years now since I started. I’m not religious. Not radicalized. I’m not against vaccinations. Everybody who wants one and feels that they need one should get one.
I misunderstood the first question. Yes I have been researching vaccines for years.
Professional fighters could very well be pushing a certain set of wraps because of who is funding/sponsoring them. I look at all of the data and come to my own conclusions based on what I find.
Lol I research everything as it relates to my health and safety. I research the most comfortable and durable hand wraps and gloves for heavy bag work. I research certain foods effects on hormones. I research which red dot sights are best for people with astigmatism. Are we not supposed to...
Lol “unvaccinated”.
“ Persons were considered fully vaccinated ≥14 days after receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines) or after 1 dose
of the single-dose Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine; partially vaccinated ≥14 days after...
I was under the impression that a vaccine is a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.